To Be or Not to Be (Authentic) - Chinn Up! - July 3, 2024
Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of Chinn Up!, your one-stop shop for actionable career advice. Here, we'll tackle the roadblocks that hold you back – from navigating the ever-changing job market to conquering imposter syndrome and managing tricky interpersonal dynamics.
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Here's today's question:
Dear Brett,
I feel weird even asking this question, but that's the point: I feel weird. I work in an industry that's pretty homogeneous. It seems like everyone has the same hobbies, likes the same shows, and even dresses the same. I'm good at blending in or masking. But it's so exhausting and I don't like being a fake version of myself.
I wish I could feel more confident talking about my "geeky" hobbies or cracking dry jokes but I'm worried that I'll alienate myself or people will talk behind my back. Got any tips?
- F.M.
Dear F.M.,
How boring (and unproductive) would the world be if we were all alike?
As a fellow weirdo, let me tell you a story.
When I started my business in 2019, I was so focused on being "corporate." I thought that if I looked and sounded like a consummate professional, I'd be able to attract the ambitious, smart leaders that I wanted as clients.
Because I had the right experience (and tenacity), it worked, to an extent. But it wasn't until I started showing up fully as myself that things really took off.
I didn't rip the bandaid off all at once. I started by revealing to one client, a Senior VP of Sales, that the bookshelves behind me were filled with texts on astrology, mysticism, and crystals.
"No kidding," he said. "I never would have guessed that."
And then he rolled up his sleeves to reveal an arm full of really cool, interesting tattoos. I never would have guessed that, either.
I decided then and there that rather than hiding my weirdness, I would make it my superpower.
I started talking to people about my unique world views on energy, manifestation, and astrology, and how I used these tools to better my life. Did some people look at me like I had two heads? Sure.
But it also attracted the right people to me - and made my work so much more fulfilling.
In fact, the more I let my personality shine, the better I was able to connect with my clients. Our conversations grew deeper, our relationships more meaningful, and the impact I was able to have grew exponentially.
Why do I tell you this, FM? Because you need to know two things. One: we are all weird. We are all distinct individuals with differing tastes, idiosyncrasies, likes, dislikes, stories, skills, and perspectives.
Two: It takes guts to be your true self, but it is so, so freeing. You say that your industry is homogeneous, and I don't doubt you. However, I'd be willing to bet that at least half of the people you're thinking of are in fact "masking" part of who they are in order to fit in, or escape scrutiny.
Sure, you might get a few judgy comments or looks when you stop trying to blend in, but who cares? People are going to judge you anyway, regardless of what you say or do, so you might as well do what makes YOU happy. As long as you're not hurting anyone, the right people will appreciate you for your singular gifts.
In terms of your career, putting yourself out there could help you move up the ladder! This attitude will position you as a bold, self-assured leader and likely inspire others to be brave as well.
There's no magic bullet to feeling confident in your own skin, F.M., but ask yourself: 5 years from now, would you rather be exhausted from pretending to be someone else, or proud of yourself for cultivating a more meaningful, authentic life?
So embrace your superpowers, F.M., and have a seat at the table - there is room for all of us here.
Thanks for reading! If you found this valuable, please share it with a friend or colleague. P.S. Want me to answer your question in a future edition? Drop your conundrum in the comments, send it to me via DM, or email it to [email protected] . Interested in my 1:1 coaching services? Book a (free) intro call here .
marketing & magic @
4 个月YES YES YES! Your weirdness is your superpower! I love this and I want to shout it from the rooftops. It truly does help to connect with people as people - not as "resources" "direct reports" or "two-dimensional pictures on a zoom screen."
Expert Business Operations Leader
4 个月LOVE this! So much respect for authenticity. Your words are inspiring Brett!