Australia! Zero zone of the climatic change.

Australia! Zero zone of the climatic change.

A study suggests that in 2050 this country won’t have winter. It will appear a new extreme season could new summer with the highest temperatures of 40oC.

Australia has become in the zero zone of the climatic change. The fires have caused the death of 33 peoples and have affected a 480 million of animals and have destroyed a surface superior of 10 million hectares. The drought below happened to the record of temperatures and the gusty winds that turned the southeast of the country into a perfect trap. Then, came floods and dust storms, in an apocalyptic sequence of episodes of extreme weather. Australia is in fires because the Earth's temperature is increasing. Scientists warn of what is happening in the antipode that could occur in this decade and in other parts of the world if the red line of 1.5 degrees is exceeded. 

Scientists warn of what is happening in the antipodes that could happen in this decade and 2019 was the warmest and driest year in history. The increase caused by the climatic change has joint a phenomenon called Indian Ocean Dipole.  The anomaly causes the highest temperatures in all parts of the Indian Ocean and has contributed to the African floods and the Australian drought that has affected especially to the southeast states: Nueva Gales del Sur and Victoria (with a rain index 20 % lowest than the normal). Although 35 % of the country is arid or semi-arid, these two states are the more template climate and highest natural wealth and highest tourist attractions.

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Figure 1: The year with less rainfalls

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Figure 2. The highest warm year in Australia 

The fires

The fires temperatures have advanced to the austral spring. Although some fires can be intentioned, the combination of the drought with the highest temperatures has a lethal effect. The 18 of December was the hottest day register in Australia, with an average temperature of 41,9oC and a maximum of 49,9 oC in Nullarbor. More than 200 focus in the southeast of Australia. The surface affected is superior to the surface of Andalucia.

More than 1.500 houses were destroyed and a lot of villages were evacuated. Milers of Australians found a temporal accommodation in the Mallacoota villages. 

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Figure 3: Fires evolution in the southeast of Australia

The answer

The response between the emergency was very late. The first minister said in his Christmas message patient to the Australians and he appealed to the fighting spirit to emulate past generations who faced disasters, floods, fires, epidemics and droughts. He couldn't say that this is responsible for the climatic change.

Australia is the third major exportation of fossils fuels in the world. Between 2000 and 2015 the coal exportations have duplicated and nowadays represent 20 % of the world market. Despite having 0.3 % of the world population (24 million inhabitants).

Despite having 0.3 % of the world population (24 million inhabitants), and the fourteenth largest issuer. 

The wildlife

The fires of the southeast of Australia can be affected or caused the dead of 480 million of animals according the Sydney University. It is believed that 30 % of the population of New South Wales koalas may have died in the fires, as well as much of its population in the “sanctuary” of Kangaroo Island. They have disappeared from many areas and those who have survived have nowhere to eat because their habitats have been destroyed.

Dozens of native of threatened species (type antequinos os cucaburras) have seen their populations depleted. The fires have caused huge losses in agriculture and livestock. Because of the richness of its fauna and flora, Australia is considered one of the 17 megadiverse countries. In its territory, it houses between 600.000 and 700.000 species and more than 80 % of the plants and mammals are endemic and are not found anywhere else in the world. 

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Figure 4: The fires burnt with a high intensity that elevates the smog to unusual heights

The impact

Smoke from Australia’s fires rose up to 17.7 kilometers in the stratosphere and went around the world in the first two weeks of January. It is estimated that the amount of CO2 released by fires equals the eight-month emissions of Australia. The smoke-colored the glaciers of New Zealand gray and even reached the shores of South America. The fires made the capital Canberra almost breathable in the air, which reached levels up to 20 times above the maximum levels of polluting particles. A layer of smog was installed in Sydney, Melbource and Adelaide. The smoke from the fires gave way to torrential rains with a maximum of 54 millimeters per square meter in just half an hour in the town of St.Albans. Days later, a cloud of dust over200 kilometers wide swept through much of the interior of New South Wales.

The Conclusions

In the southeast of Australia, the frequency of extreme fire risk will rise from 4 % to 25 % in 2020 warned the IPPC (Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) that foresaw a greater intensity and a lower interval between fires due to the increase of temperatures. Before the arrival of the current prime minister, Australia took measures to promote research on resources for prevention, mitigation and adaptation of climate change but currently they do not exist. 


Raúl Aragonés Ortiz PhD的更多文章

