Australia is a Christian country (for now)
Lucas Christopher
Principal Architect at LUCAS CHRISTOPHER ARCHITECTS I QLD+NT Registered Architect Brisbane Australia
Senator Ralph Babet I 10 July 2024 The Spectator Australia
Whether you realise it or not, you live in a Christian country.
And whether you believe in the Christian faith or not, you should be thrilled that you live in a Christian country.
Every good thing we have in Australia is a result of the Judaeo-Christian ethic upon which our nation was built.
I know some people will immediately push back and insist that we are not a Christian country. Australia is a secular country, they will say.
And in saying that, such people only demonstrate their ignorance.
The very idea of a secular country is a Christian idea!
Separation of church and state is, itself, a Christian idea!
It was Jesus who told his followers to ‘give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s’.
Prior to that, no one had ever conceived of drawing a line between religion and government.
Do you see the irony?
The people who insist Australia is a secular country can only insist Australia is a secular country because Australia is a Christian country!
Try telling the Ayatollah of Iran that you want a secular state.
Try telling the leaders of Palestine that religion should not be at the forefront of government.
Try explaining to the Afghans that religion is out and secularism is in.
When West Australian Senator Fatima Payman says she seeks guidance from Allah she is fawned over by the progressive Left.
But when a Christian Senator, such as myself, stands up for the Christian faith, I am ridiculed and I am mocked.
Does the progressive Left really want to rid the West of Christianity?
Would they really cut us off from our roots?
The Judaeo-Christian faith has provided the bedrock of our legal system. The Ten Commandments – which is now discouraged from being on some school classroom walls – provide the basis for a moral and just society.
‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ and ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ and ‘love your enemies’ … these are Christian ideas that have, for 2,000 years, produced harmonious, prosperous and peaceful societies.
Do the enemies of Western culture imagine that the Christian faith will be replaced by some secular Utopia in which the freedoms they now enjoy will continue?
We have become so kind and so tolerant and yet so naive that we imagine the entire world is just like us. We think it’s polite to defer to other cultures, blindly believing they will in turn defer to ours. But it’s now clear that’s not what is happening. Other cultures are not like ours and they will not tolerate ours but replace ours.
Right now, Christianity is being replaced by the cult of Woke. The Bible’s encouragement to faith, hope, and love has been replaced by Woke’s insistence on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
While faith, hope and love built the West into the most prosperous society in the history of mankind, DEI is destroying productivity, crushing meritocracy and pitting everybody against everybody.
The Woke religion blurs the lines between right and wrong, destroys norms, and teaches children to hate everything about their heritage, their culture and their traditions.
Our rejection of Christianity is proving to be a nightmare. Look at the trajectory of where we are today compared to where we have come from. Our nation is gradually worsening.
Woke – with its complete rejection of objective truth – is completely unsustainable. It is a mist.
A worldview that doesn’t even know what a woman is … is not a worldview upon which anything can ever be built.
And so Woke will soon be replaced by something equally ridiculous but more substantial – I’m thinking the climate cult, or the LGBTQIA2S+ religion, but most probably by Islam.
We saw at the weekend that a Muslim Senator could not even bring themself to call for the removal of Hamas – a registered terror organisation.
But they did call for the removal of the Lord’s Prayer from Parliament.
If we fail to stand up for our Christian nation – for fear of being thought racist – we will have surrendered our nation to ideologies that will completely change the society in which we live and the freedoms that we take for granted.
There is a reason people move from Afghanistan to Australia and not the other way around. There is a reason people migrate from Somalia to Sydney rather than in the reverse direction.
The freedoms we enjoy in this country are unique. Dare I say they are superior? And that is because of our Judaeo-Christian foundations.
People will call me a racist or a white supremacist or a Christian nationalist – you’ve heard all the slurs the Left use for daring to point out the importance of preserving our Christian heritage.
But if you look at what is happening in the UK, or in France, or in the Netherlands or in Germany right now, you’ll know how important it is.
The famed atheist Richard Dawkins recently told journalists he regretted that England was losing its Christian identity.
While he himself does not believe in the Bible or in the claims of Jesus, he is not so silly as to think his life would be more prosperous or freer under any other influence.
Christianity is not only a worldview that creates freedom and prosperity, but it preserves all that is good. The West has become a cesspool as Christianity has been pushed from the public square. That degradation wrought by the Left will continue unless we find the courage to boldly argue for the supremacy of the Christian faith and the culture it produces.
As Richard Dawkins was honest enough to point out – even atheists benefit from a Christian culture. It’s ironic. But it’s also a big hint that there just might be something to the Christian faith.
As the great writer CS Lewis once said … even if you don’t believe Christianity is true, you should wish that it was.
The Christian faith has always and will always be the great guarantor of personal liberty and freedom. Those who ridicule it, mock it or wish it away are na?ve in the extreme.
The absence of it will not lead to a secular country, it will lead to a vacuum which will be filled with something else and I promise you, you will not like, that something else.
Father forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing!
Author: Senator Babet
Experienced senior professional in Risk & Assurance; Regulatory Change; Regulatory Compliance; Financial Services Licensee Policy & Education. This is my personal LinkedIn page. All comments are personal opinion only.
7 个月100% Lucas Christopher.