Australia: Burning land
AJ - Alexandra Joy ??GAICD, MBA, MAHRI
Leadership & culture development for advanced, conscious businesses | Leadership coach & author | 10 Degree Shift Podcast?? Non-Executive Director?? Speaker ?? Stand out, apply leverage and step up into leadership.
As a biophiliac I am deeply distressed by the devastation happening in my homeland right now. In what looks like a scene out of a war or Armageddon movie our wide brown land is being brought to her knees in a blaze of fire fury.
For my friends and those from overseas in other lands across the sea we are in a desperate way. Our beautiful Terra Australis is burning and choking with fire, smoke and ash and has been for weeks on end.
Our animals and our sick and elderly are suffering from the choking smoke, the radiant heat and the heavy grief from the loss of flora and fauna. As Glenn Albrecht said is his book Earth Emotions, as humans we are deeply affected at a psychological and cellular level by what happens on the planet and our immediate environment. The affect on us is massive.
Today is another stinker - it’s 32 degrees Celsius where I sit, 44 in the nearby valley and up to 50 degrees in other parts of our land. Australia was officially the hottest country in the world this week and we're bracing for more to come.
You may have seen coverage of trees burning to the ground and of our poor endangered koalas getting nursed and cared for with burns to their faces, paws and body, we are rallying as a community but the long tough road is taking its toll. There has been no rest.
Sadly already more than 2.5 Million hectares of our natural habitat, aged bush and ancient flora has been destroyed displacing humans, animals, reptiles, birds and taking all of our vital remaining water. Our volunteer and professional firefighters, police, ambulance and service people are stretched to the limit and exhausted and so often can only stand by and watch as the ferocity of the fire destroys everything in its wake, including some of our brave mates.
Friends this is not a subtle warning sign. It is an all out alert from Mother Nature that enough is enough. The mood here in many places is somber. Not so many Christmas lights and carols as years gone by, people are saying it doesn't feel like Christmas, fireworks and community events cancelled to donate funding instead to our firefighters and rightly so.
Our leaders are not taking the lead nor taking heed enough of this warning, clearly global warming is not a fad that will go away, it is a stark reality and we are feeling the heat here so to speak while they continue to drink the coolaid.
This will not destroy our Aussie battler spirit. It is heralding the need for change, a signal to burn down the old establishment, to rise up like new shoots from the ashes, to lead a shift that has to happen.
The world needs new leadership and right action. We need to recalibrate and stop and listen to the wisdom of First Nations people. To join forces to unite and align our nations with the knowing of these cultures and the intelligence of Mother Earth. We must find new ways to think, be and do. We must - like this raging fire - get angry and then get into love again - love our land, love our creatures, love our trees and love each other. Divine feminine leadership is what's needed now to soothe, heal and nurse our charred land, watery eyes, bleeding hearts and aching souls.
We need to water our souls, to praise our front line men and women, to give to restoration efforts and to forgive our own blindness.
This is a living hell, the burning of the Phoenix before we can again rise up. It’s time to learn to tread lightly, walk softly, act kindly. To give back, restore and pay it forward for the future generations.
The power of aligned people with passion and purpose makes this possible, we have to believe that. Our future depends on us all healing together, we cannot do it divided. On the surface level we are burnt, marred, charred and disfigured, but our song lines, ley lines and the energy under the earth is in tact, waiting for us to tune in, tap in and turn on to mother nature’s radiance. We need to dig deep, to restore our connection to ourselves, to our history and to Mother Earth and her seasons, to be grateful, to nurture and to just give a shit.
May we each find our own resolve and repair, whether it be on our own heart, our family or our community. May we never be blind again to our impact. Aussies and the rest of humanity it’s time, time to truth tell and rise to the challenge we’re here for.
To everyone who has lost their home, a loved one, livestock, their sense of calm and peace we see you, we feel you and we want to walk beside you.
I love AUSTRALIA and our precious down under. Let’s all make our way to finding it in our ?? to do our part whatever that may be to reconcile, to heal and to take right action for now and the future of our land.
#riseupfromtheashesaustralia #makechangehappen #biophiliac #doyourbit #treadlightly #givegenerously