AusIMM 2022 Congress general summary pack.
Extract from information pack

AusIMM 2022 Congress general summary pack.

In mid-December, the AusIMM Community of Interest (COI) committee members received a Congress 2022 output general summary pack. This pack is designed to provide insights from congress 2022, giving an overview of key recurring themes and emerging discussion areas. The document will be used by the Board in upcoming strategy sessions and shared with the AusIMM Management Team (AMT) to inform future initiatives. The pack also includes an appendix with presentations delivered by the Community Of Interest leaders. If members would like to discuss anything further related to this pack, please contact the AusIMM member engagement team.

Congress discussed; diversity and inclusion, change, leadership, membership, voice of influence and raised the topics - if the AusIMM could have a broader appeal, revised membership model, mode of activities, digital meeting option, and improve the AusIMM profile. The congress sought to consider ways to strengthen Communities of Interest (societies, branches etc) their connectivity and relationship to the Board. Some key student pathways and future workforce topics were discussed, along with micro-credentials and professional standards.

Two workshops were run.

1.?????Future workforce/ skills/professional education with; discussion around #1 our industry how to prepare and underpin it, #2 our organization how to maintain its relevance, #3 our COI’s on how to connect/ grow/ evolve, #4 our members how to embrace/support/ utilize.

2.?????Professional standards, ESG, critical minerals, policy; with discussion around #1 our industry how to prepare and underpin it, #2 our organization how to maintain its relevance, #3 our COI’s on how to connect/ grow/ evolve.

Several Branches presented around the topic of how to run Branch events. The Societies outlined some targeted activities for 2023. The Women in Mining Networks of Vic, Tas, NSW & SA outlined their presentation in terms of Strength Weakness and Opportunities. The New Professional Network [NPN] outlined their launched across much of Australia. This included appointment of NPN ambassadors and a number of activities for the 1,362 members and 912 non-members. The 602 students in 12 Australian and 2 overseas (Ghana & New Zealand) student chapters encompass studies in mining, metallurgy, mechanical and civil engineers, geology and environmental science. The student chapters face some unique challenges, with low enrolment numbers and with the high level of turn over as students graduate. ?

A summary of the collective recommendations from this document were;

·???????Funding model and core accountabilities needs clarification.

·???????Further recognition and support from AMT

·???????In a busy day job, some activities require too much time from our volunteers.

·???????AusIMM presence throughout various organizations is low and management endorsement is not clear.

·???????Concern over competing professional organizations.

·???????Competition of free webinars from other organizations.

·???????Membership numbers and grade of membership needs revitalization.

·???????Improve COI tools to enhance the efficiency of volunteers.

·???????Get more from the Certified Professional programme.

There was a regional showcase of Victoria, giving some background to its mineral geology, mining, mineral potential and government support for the mineral industry.


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