AURA Model Expanded
This is the introduction to the AURA Model, as a training model. After this section the model is designed around delivering AI Training. This is the actual training model that can be used for any topic!
Where is your organization in its Learning journey?
AURA, or Aware, understand, refine, and Apply, is a four-phase process designed to help organizations build and deliver training. The reality of any training program is that the initial phase (Aware) is often easier than the other phases overall. However, organizations sometimes need to consider the reality of the information they can mine from Aware. The AURA model, a training process built to help you, is designed around two core concepts. It should be noted that while this iteration of AURA is focused on building AI Training, AURA is flexible and can be used in all adult learning scenarios.
The AURA model is built out as an example using AI or Artificial Intelligence as the training objective. In the model, we have the four phases that are aligned with how you deliver the training going forward.
How can we remove the FUD?
Who in our organization is interested in what we are teaching
Removing the FUD allows the organization to consider, present, and validate information that helps employees reduce concerns and fears. FUD, more broadly called Fear, uncertainty, and doubt, often plagues adopting a new technology or a modified solution.?Based on the FUD, Awareness helps the organization modify that belief through activities designed around replacing Fear with information.
Fear – this is new and scary
Uncertainty – I've heard that this solution isn't baked yet
Doubt – why would I use this?
Removing Fear can be painful. Learning is a process; sometimes, it involves unlearning or relearning things that are repeated or previously covered in different modes. That is why the Awareness phase of AURA is stand-alone and self-driven. It is "guided" in the sense of a planned outcome and provided materials. However, it is also independent, allowing users to consider, evaluate, and move forward at their own pace.?At the end of lesson 1, there is a self-check section. This allows the organization to verify that the learners have moved forward rather than consuming content without engaging.
Based on that, ongoing organizational recommendations are embedded throughout the AURA model. Organizational Callout will be labeled exactly that (Organizational Callout)/ AURA is a training model. The initial releases demonstrate what you can do with the model. The four phases are detailed below. The model's initial "iteration" is designed to deliver AI training to the organization.
·???????Aware – remove the FUD and reduce the fear people have towards something new
·???????Understand – applying the concepts of technology you are training on. For the organization, this is where you find the people in your organization interested in this new technology.
·???????Refine – expand, improve, and evaluate what you have learned so far. Now, the organization can further refine the pool of those interested into those who understand, future power users, and future builders for the organization.
·???????Apply—Builders apply. Within this model, the organization now has the opportunity to expand its capabilities in delivering this type of solution. Apply allows the integration of the existing solution with the new ideas generated by those who were first introduced to the system and may have seen a better way to do it.