Aunt Flow Got You Down?
Ovulation, PMS, and Periods, Oh My!

Aunt Flow Got You Down?

Hi friend,

Between ovulation week, PMS week, and period week, it may seem like there's only one week per month where you don't have to wonder what's going on with your body – that is, unless you're in the?two-week?wait.?

But how much do you?really?know about your cycle??

If you're trying to conceive – or if you simply want to learn more about your body using the?Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)?– then a good first step is to start tracking your natural cycle.?

Start by keeping a record of when you get your period, how long it lasts, how heavy or light it is, and how many days there are between the start of your period and the start of the next one. If you don't know where to begin, using an app?like this one?can help.?

If your cycle is irregular, there's no need to panic. According to Reproductive Endocrinologist & Infertility Specialist Dr. Eduardo Hariton, “while regular menstrual cycles are a sign of good reproductive health, irregular cycles do?not?necessarily mean that a person is infertile.”?

While it?is?possible to get pregnant with?amenhorrea, remember: you can’t get pregnant if you’re not ovulating. So if you haven’t had a period in more than three months be sure to consult with your doctor.??

In the meantime,?this supplement set?can help tackle your pesky hormone balance issues, and?this at-home test?can confirm if you have any markers of PCOS. If your next step is to see a fertility specialist, keep?this list of questions?handy, so you're as prepared as possible from the get-go.?

Through all of this, it's important to remember that our bodies are nothing to be ashamed of. From?menstrual cups?to?vulvovaginal health, Sex Ed failed us all – which is why we’re dedicated to rescripting the conversation about everything we?should?have learned about our bodies, from first period to last.?

We promise to always keep it real – sans any?toxic positivity?– and we're so happy to have you along for the ride.??


The Rescripted Team



