Shannon Jean
Founder of 10 businesses, 4 sold. Auctions, Liquidations, and more unconventional ways to build wealth. Making money can and should be fun. Follow to learn how.
In the coming weeks, students of all ages will give up their lazy winter days as they get back to school. These kids will connect with teachers, counselors, and coaches who will help them become the best versions of themselves.
Once we are done with school, are we done with learning? I hope not.
I heard this comment recently, which resonated with me: The most successful people create a lifetime curriculum.
They are constantly learning.
As I was close to finishing college, my buddy Charlie invited me to attend a seminar about auctions. We drove three hours to his house, and Charlie’s mom attended the seminar with us.
It was eye-opening.
The seminar was free. At the end, the speaker offered a complete auction course (printed material!) that included a year subscription to an 800 number you could call to find auctions near you.
I didn’t have the cash to buy the $1500 course, but my buddy's mom bought it for us! She said she wanted us to know that there were all kinds of different ways to make money.
“There are a million ways to make a million dollars.”
I scoured the pages of the auction course, and it set me on a path to create 10 companies, employ hundreds of people, and fall in love with finding deals.
Where am I going with this?
We are surrounded by opportunities to learn. You’re reading this because you want to learn, do, and achieve more. I am coaching you right now.
Don’t sleep on the wealth of content, courses, guides, and coaches who are ready to help you build your own curriculum for success.
When I wanted to learn how to publish a bestselling book, I watched some YouTube videos, read a few articles, and then hired a coach.
I spent $3500 to hire a published author who had 30 books for sale on Amazon. Claire took me behind the velvet rope and taught me the system for success, which helped me sell thousands of books and get my eBay Unlocked book to number one.
Free Content is Awesome
YouTube is part of my toolbox whenever I need to learn something new. When I wanted to install new tile in our bathroom, YT was my go-to resource to learn the basic skills needed.
But if I wanted to become a tile installer for other people, I would need more help. I would find the most experienced tile installer I could and get them to coach me to success.
How do you know when it's right to pay for knowledge?
I ask myself these questions to come up with the answer:
1. What’s the creator's experience like? I'm sorry, but I don’t want to buy life coaching from a 23-year-old. Maybe I’m missing out?
But when I hired my new content manager to help me, I immediately enrolled her in Justin Welsh’s ContentOS course for $100. Justin has years of experience creating successful social media accounts.
2. What does the content contain? Many courses and guides offer a free version with a paid upgrade. Is the upgrade worth the price?
As a subscriber, you get access to free versions of my guides. How many of you take the next step and pay for the middle-level or top-level tier to work with me directly?
About 5%.
This means that most people won’t invest in themselves or that my upgrades just aren’t that valuable to you. Respond to this message and tell me what would make them more valuable. It's your turn to coach me!
3. What’s the ROI? How long will it take me to make back the costs of the paid content? This is always top of mind, whether I am spending $50 or $5000 on coaching.
When I first started building an audience on social media, I knew I would need some help. So, I hired a coach and spent $5K for a three-month program. That coaching and curriculum shifted my brain and opened up the possibilities. I would not have grown from 400 followers on X to just shy of 15,000 in six months without this. /
I have already earned that $5K investment back.
I am glad to be here - offering you tips, strategies, and knowledge from my business experience and life. It’s incredibly fun and rewarding.
I’ll keep producing free content that I hope you find valuable. And I’ll be here when you are ready to invest in your future to achieve what you’re dreaming about.
Cheers to your success!
~ Shannon
How I can help you today: