August Newsletter
Leeds Digital Festival 2024
This year, we're delighted to have two events part of the Leeds Digital Festival! Both events are in-person at our offices in Leeds city centre, so check out more information below and if you're in and around Leeds, sign up for your FREE tickets!
Ay Up, It's AI
Our first event of LDF 2024 is our "Ay Up, It's AI" event on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 8:30am-9:30am. Join us at Clockwise, Yorkshire House, Greek Street, Leeds, LS1 5SH, AS Kevin Else CISA discusses the times AI gets it spectacularly wrong and why, and addresses the security risks in generative AI and how to reduce them.
Whodunnit? A Cyber Mystery
Our second event of LDF 2024 is our Whodunnit? A Cyber Mystery event on Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm. Join us at Clockwise, Yorkshire House, Greek Street, Leeds, LS1 5SH, as you assist Detective Else to solve the cyber crime and determine "Whodunnit"!
Brand New Web Pages
We've been working hard to make improvements to our website, making amendments to content, layouts and more! We're delighted to bring you our revamped Cyber Essentials and Data Protection as a Service web pages and we're excited to continue bringing new and improved content!
You can check out some of our brand new web pages now:
Team Meeting Taste Tests
To keep our team meetings fun, we've introduced taste tests. So far, we've ranked custard creams and ready salted crisps, blind taste tested Coca-Cola and Pepsi and tried to identify different cheeses!
Leave a comment on our LinkedIn post and let us know what else we should try...
All Services
We offer a range of different cyber security services that can suit the needs of many organisations. You can check out more information on all of our services in our "All Services" brochure! Or contact us for any more information.
CSP Exhibiting at Manchester LAW2024
After a successful time at the Leeds Law2024 conference, we're delighted to announce that we'll be exhibiting at the LAW2024 conference in Manchester in October. Stay tuned for updates closer to the time!