August Newsletter
CTS Group Ltd
Empowering businesses with comprehensive solutions for comms, tech & support - ISO accredited
We have had a very busy time in the office over the last few months. This is because we have been preparing for our yearly ISO Accreditation.?We are pleased to say, we passed!
Rachel, our Office Manager has put together some very useful hints and tips on how to make the process less stressful.
"Getting ISO 9001, 27001 and 14001 accredited was a career highlight for me at CTS after spending many months making sure we had the right policies and procedures in place. Maintaining those management systems and retaining that certification every year can be hard work, so let’s talk audits….
As soon as most people hear the word audit it can create anxiety if you’re not prepared so preparation is key. Making sure you have everything to hand can make the whole process seamless and really does take the stress away. So here are some of my tips for preparing for audits -:
?Audit checklist?– having a checklist to hand helps you identify areas and documents that could be checked during an audit. There are lots of free checklists available online, its just a matter of finding the right one for you.
Automation/file storage?– having a system in place that makes document storage easy to use and quick to navigate really does help in both the management of the system and during audits.
Internal Audits?– Carrying out internal audits is mandatory to ensure you stay compliant, carrying these out gives you a practise run for when external auditors check the management system and helps you identify any areas of non-compliance.
Organisation?– being organised is a no brainer for the smooth running of any task but when it comes to audits it can really save time on the day. Its not ideal for either the auditor or company being audited if half the time spent is trying to find the documents and evidence needed.
Management Reviews –?having regular management reviews is key to maintaining the management system and plays a key role in identifying areas that need addressing. I find a lot of the items raised in management reviews go a long way to providing both evidence of compliance at an audit and equally improvements for the benefit of the business and management system.
?All in all audits are not something that should be dreaded, they are a great chance to make sure you have a system in place that works for your business and when you pass it really does validate everyone’s hard work throughout the year. Well done CTS Team."
Welcome to the team!
We would like to say a big welcome to Wahaab who is new to our Technical Support Team! Welcome Wahaab and we look forward to letting everyone know more about you in the next newsletter!
Ice-Cream Competition - last chance to enter!
What is your ultimate dream ice-cream or lolly combination???We've had lots of entries via our social media but now we are asking you! Pm us with what you would call it, and the main ingredients. The winner will receive £20 vouchers to treat your office or family to a box of treats. This is your time to get creative.
Positive Thinking
We hear this all the time, but do we pay attention and how easy is it to put those niggling negative thoughts to one side???Positive thinking isn’t just ignoring anything negative that comes into your life but it’s also knowing how do we approach life’s challenges with a positive outlook.
This week in our office we will be talking to each other about ways which we try and stay positive to keep our mind healthy and to approach challenges and difficult situations with a positive outlook.?Actively replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help you eventually learn to become a more positive thinker.
Here are some suggestions at how to start shifting those thought processes;
Positive thinking is linked to a wide range of health benefits including:?
Thank you for reading!