August News from Beyond Philanthropy!

August News from Beyond Philanthropy!

Season 4, episode 8 is live!

Monique and Valerie chat community-led advocacy with Jude Husein , who wears several hats: Chief of State Advocacy and Strategic Initiatives for the Pennsylvania State Senate, Executive Director of the World Affairs Caucus, and Deputy Executive Director for Philly Bolt. Listen to hear more about how to advocate as a nonprofit, how to involve your community in your work, and what role a foundation has in this advocacy.

Philanthropy News

Upholding Our Democracy: What Nonprofits Can Do

In our daily hustle, we often relegate lobbying and engaging with our elected officials to the end of our task list. However, many nonprofits exist because of inequitable laws, regulations, policies, and practices. Thus, we must prioritize this work.

As a 501(c)(3), your organization can lobby and promote civic engagement with every level of government – local, state, and federal. You are a trusted resource in your community. You have earned that trust. Now is the time to use it.

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) and changing the sector

FreeWill’s report on Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) is out, and once again, I’m a minority in fundraising according to their research.?Some nonprofits and a lot of nonprofit workers they surveyed love those mysterious little packages from phantom donors. All I see is unfettered, hyper-individualistic capitalism with little structure to consider community needs.

Who you should follow

The Home for Wingless Unicorns is calling out nonprofits that post job descriptions without salary information. Stating a salary range not only ensures your hiring process (and thus your organization as a whole) is more equitable, but it actively combats gender, racial, and other forms of bias.?Visit the page to check future employers for red flags or submit your own org for crappy practices!


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