August News, Academic Jobs, & Reads
The Jack Miller Center
The Jack Miller Center works to strengthen the teaching of America’s founding principles.
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Jack Miller Honored with The American Legion's Distinguished Service Medal
On August 27, 2024, Jack Miller received the Distinguished Service Medal from The American Legion for his outstanding philanthropic contributions and unwavering commitment to advancing American citizenship and education. The Medal is the highest honor bestowed by The American Legion, recognizing individuals and organizations that have performed outstanding service to the nation and to programs of The American Legion. This award has been presented to several U.S. Presidents in addition to other notable recipients.
“During the course of my business careers, I have received a number of honors, but this is by far, by far the best,” Mr. Miller said to thousands in the audience at the New Orleans Convention Center. “The reason that this honor is so meaningful to me is because one of the reasons that you have for giving this honor to someone is – and I’m quoting you now – ‘to recognize individuals and organizations that have performed outstanding service to the nation.’ Individuals and organizations. So, on accepting this award, I do so both as an individual and for the Jack Miller Center, an organization dedicated to reintroducing and reinforcing the teaching of America’s founding principles and history throughout our educational system, from K-12 through college.”
Academic Jobs and Opportunities
Executive Director at the Center for Civics, Culture and Society, Miami University
Among other things, the new Executive Director of the Center for Civics, Culture and Society at 美国迈阿密大学 will be responsible for overseeing the establishment of the Center, the recruitment, appointment, and ongoing supervision of at least 10 tenure-track faculty members and additional staff, and developing and promoting the curriculum, programming, and other activities of the center. Screening of applicants will begin on September 9, 2024. Click here to learn more and to apply >>
Director of the Institute of American Constitutional Thought and Leadership, University of Toledo
The Institute of American Constitutional Thought and Leadership at The University of Toledo seeks a Director. The Director will be an expert in the western tradition, the American founding, and American constitutional thought. Priority review will be given to applications received by September 9, 2024. Click here to learn more and to apply >>
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Positions of American Politics, Yale University
The Yale Department of Political Science at 耶鲁大学 is seeking to hire multiple faculty members with expertise in American Politics at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor, beginning July 1, 2025. A successful applicant should focus on substantive questions in any area of American Politics. Review of applications begins September 15, 2024. Click here to learn more and to apply >>
Tenure-Track Professor of American Politics, Harvard University
The Department of Government at 美国哈佛大学 seeks to appoint a tenure-track professor in Government specializing in American Politics, with an emphasis on American political institutions. The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2025.Review of applications begins September 16, 2024. Click here to learn more and to apply >>
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of American Politics, Missouri State University
Missouri State University seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor of American Politics. While ABDs will be considered, the successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in political science by the time of appointment in August 2025. Screening of applicants begins October 1, 2024. Click here to learn more and to apply >>
New Reads from the Network
Wall Street Journal: "Liberal Thought Returns to Campus"
Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board published an opinion piece on the new?School of Civic Life and Leadership at the 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 , and its director, Miller Fellow Jed Atkins (Summer Institute, 2012):
With all the dismaying news from college campuses lately, at least there’s one new bright spot for traditional liberal thought: The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill is opening the doors at its new school committed to free expression, after hiring 11 faculty, including seven tenure-line positions...
American Political Thought Journal, Summer 2024
American Political Thought: A Journal of Ideas, Institutions, and Culture, has recently published its Summer 2024 issue, which features several pieces from Miller Fellows, including Armin Mattes, University of Virginia (Summer Institute 2015); Luke Sheahan , Duquesne University (SI 2021); Kirstin Anderson Birkhaug, PhD Hope College (SI 2023); Emily Pears , Claremont McKenna College (SI 2014); and Samuel Garrett Zeitlin , University College London (SI 2014); as well as JMC Scholar Marc Landy, Boston College :
Book Reviews
Jordan T. Cash and Kevin J. Burns – Congressional Deliberation: Major Debates, Speeches, and Writings, 1774-2023
Miller Fellows Jordan Cash ( 美国密歇根州立大学 , Summer Institute 2018) and Kevin Burns ( Christendom College , SI 2018) recently published an edited collection of primary sources that highlight key turning points in the history of the U.S. Congress:
From John Adams’s 1774 diary entries on debates in the Continental Congress to the first ouster of a seated Speaker of the House in U.S. history in 2023, Jordan T. Cash and Kevin J. Burns’s Congressional Deliberation offers an edited and historically contextualized selection of primary sources highlighting key turning points in the history of the U.S. Congress. Via its diverse documentary record—and often by way of showcasing the lively cut-and-thrust of historic House and Senate debates—Congressional Deliberation sheds light on such formative issues in Congressional history as war powers and foreign policy, impeachment, civil rights, representation and apportionment, filibusters, federalism, oversight and investigation, legislative leadership, and many more. It will prove a valuable resource to all students of the U.S. Congress and of representative government.