August Muse - Success Conspiracy Theory.

August Muse - Success Conspiracy Theory.

If you'd prefer to watch the video clip of this article, it can be viewed at

A Banned TED Talk.

I recently watched a fascinating clip about Rupert Sheldrake. It was brilliant. He held the audience captivated. He challenged the principles that state that science understands the true nature of reality. He very logically and with irreverent humour unpacked how this is a science delusion and there are deeper truths and we can challenge that fixed paradigm. The clip is a recording from his TED talk and is no longer on that platform.

TED removed his talk from their platform saying that his theories appeared to cross over into pseudoscience.

Rupert Sheldrake also speaks of Morphic Resonance and that we have interconnections within a collective memory field.

The talk can be heard here

The Scientific Sequence to Success

I believe we all are born with unlimited potential. It’s just our beliefs that set us apart.

Achieving the change we desire is ambushed by our focussed attention of avoiding what we dislike in the present & the lack of our goal focused attention on our desired future! So often when we look at avoidance, we find ourselves habitually slipping into unproductive distractions.

There is a sequence to success but it’s personally exclusive. It differs from person to person & that’s why trying out peoples strategies don’t always work out for us. Alright, let’s unleash your inner Elon Musk & Space X. Let’s tap in to Jeff Bezos & Blue Origin & let’s channel your Richard Branson & Virgin Galactic.

So let’s use distraction to our advantage, but before we do we need to take a critical step that Elon, Jeff & Richard already took to free your mind & be open to unlimited opportunities. All you are doing here is adopting a growth mindset & moving away from a fixed mindset. Acknowledging that we do NOT know everything & that there is always more to discover frees us from a lot of mental imprisonment & opens us to not just learning more but actually seeing more opportunity.

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Universe of prosperity, freedom & fulfilment

?5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF. Allow yourself to entertain a much larger & broader astronomical view or vision.


?Let’s view a deeper truth of life that goes beyond our current perceptions.

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Find 16 circles

Find 16 Circles in this image.

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Watch the following clip displaying how our hearing can be fooled too:


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Wisdom and Thinking

You cannot always trust your senses nor your thoughts. Free you mind from just your 5 sensory perceptions, all our limiting beliefs & stories we tell ourselves come from them. Observe them with an open growth mindset, knowing there is more to know, believe & learn.


There were two groups of scientists that did experiments with light. The one group wanted to prove light acts as a particle & the other group wanted to prove it’s a wave. Both groups found evidence to support their premise. Now it’s accepted that our intentions have a direct impact on our reality. The experiment was taken a step further where an atom gun was used instead of light. It produced similar results, however when an observation sensor was used to detect results suddenly the atoms stopped acting like a wave & instead acted like a particle, but this occurred only when the observation sensor was switched on. It seems no-one has a rational explanation for this yet.

More on this here

The major takeaway here is that our intentions have a direct impact on our outcomes.


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Chaladni Plate

Anybody heard of a Chaladni Plate? It’s a flat metal plate attached to a speaker & if you place sand particles upon it & set the speaker to specific frequency pitches, the grains align into perfect geometric patterns, almost like a kaleidoscope.

You can watch an example of this here:

The major takeaway here is nothing is random.

There is an intelligence to our existence that we all take for granted. I’ll give examples on three levels.

1. Personal – While we have conscious control of our bodily movement, like what we want to eat for example, however we cannot consciously digest our food. We also don’t beat our own hearts either. You can purposely hold your own breath but as soon as you lose consciousness, your normal breathing will ensue.

2. Global – If we leave Mother Nature well alone, we know she will order herself naturally & sustain a dynamic equilibrium.

3. Universal – Our planets maintain elliptical patterns and hold flawless proximity with each other & our Son.

There is a miraculous wonder to creation – it’s a divine tapestry. It’s finely tuned.

Whenever we microscope & zoom in real close, it is easy to perceive our reality as chaos.

Whenever we macroscope out & really broaden our observations, this order can be recognized.

ALIGN WITH THE NATURAL ORDER. ???????????????????????

So the big question is…? What Universe do you want to play in???

Just like the Placebo, it’s your beliefs that make the impact & it matters not what denomination you subscribe to. Can we use this to our advantage? Absolutely, in fact I believe we are supposed to.

You have often heard people say “just go with the flow” or “I’m so in the zone.” Is this not a space of alignment? I’m convinced it is.

So how do we primarily align with this intelligent consciousness?

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The first step is to accept, allow & trust in this intelligent order of existence & no longer fight it. It sees the bigger, grander picture whereas we do not. Allow more & resist less.

The second step is to embrace your individuality. Everyone is created differently to everyone else & I believe this is all part of the divine projection.

Yet from our birth we are coerced & conditioned to fit in to what others perceive to be ‘right.’ We have been gas lighted into thinking we are not-enough, unworthy & incomplete. The fact that we are all different means we are meant to stand out & that literally means we are all outstanding.

The biggest question & critical step is getting in touch with your unique authentic self. This is harder than it seems because we have disowned quite a bit of ourselves along the way.

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?This is a key step that blocks our progress. If you do not know the deepest essence of your truest self, then how can you know what you truly desire? If you think you know yourself completely, then can you eloquently articulate these three things?

1. My vision is …complete these sentences.

2. My mission is …

3. My purpose & intention is …

If you have just one of these then that’s already a head start, because all success requires an aligned, authentic vision. It’s a compass fueled with reasons.

Fortunately there are resources available that go above & beyond helping you tick these boxes.


* Focus on the desired change not the undesired present.

* Adopt a Growth Mindset & know there is always more to know.

* What your senses tell you is not always the truth.

* What your thoughts tell you is not always the truth.

* What we believe has an effect on our reality.

* There is an order & an intelligence regulating our universe way beyond our ability to observe it.

* Accept where you are now without fighting or avoiding it.

* Express where you would love to be through your pictured vision, your written intention & your practiced purpose & mission.

* Rediscover your authentic self, the YOU that was created differently, so that your vision, intention, mission & purpose are all aligned to your genuine unique priority values.

* Only after these above steps – take inspired decisive action.


Q & A

Are there resources to assist with applying this information?

Can I accurately access my authentic self?

Can I take this to another level?

Can I use this efficiently?

YES, there are a bunch of resources set out specifically for this & they are FREE within the Labyrinth Circle of Success, you can access them for free at the bottom of this article.

To our collective success

Brad Cunningham


The Labyrinth Circle of Success was designed by Success Loops, Instrumental Inspiration as a 4 Tier sequence to prosperity, freedom & fulfilment. The 1st tier is the primary priming foundation platform to set a concrete solid base plate on which to build upon.

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The free resources include 6 assessments to self-actualization, the ‘Training with Titans’ tutorials, the ‘Mentor in your Mailbox’ bi-monthly inspirational communications, the ‘Becoming Decisive’ one pager strategy, the S.A.D. emotional regulation program & the Community Support Group.

Put yourself in the top 1% of global achievers, claim your free, carefully selected success resources, & join an award winning community of mover-shakers: Read more about it here:

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Success Loops Instrumental Inspiration


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