August Grand Idea winners Paul and Del from The Sun Inn, Beverly have won £1000 worth of beer for their business!
Stonegate Pub Partners
We are the leased and tenanted division of Stonegate Group, the largest pub company in the UK.
The Sun Inn is a renowned live music venue, Landlord Paul was keen to develop their Sunday evening programme and came up with the idea of adding ‘Sun Sessions’, this event was made up of local artists singing original work and performing songs in alternate fashion. They were also given the opportunity to tell their story as an artist, where they wrote their music and their inspiration behind it. Paul also contacted local radio who have decided to record the events and air them in a dedicated Sun Sessions program, which serves their own commitment to local artists and also helps to advertise the Sun Inn. Sun Sessions bought a new customer sector including original music lovers and family of the artists, they saw an increase in Sunday trade by around £1500 all for a small cost of paying £150 to the performers to showcase their talents.
Following the success of Sunday Session, it will now become a monthly event which Paul looks forward to growing further and has invited more up and coming artists to come and showcase their music.
Landlord Paul Bell was delighted to win and had this to add-
“Sun Sessions has created a lot of local interest from both customers and artists we’ve only held one which was a roaring success. They are planned in for a series of 6 involving 18 local original singer songwriters once monthly.?We look to provide a platform for original work and given that the Sun Inn is primarily a “music” pub it’s the perfect environment to embrace the concept.?Local community radio has dedicated a show to the live recordings of the sessions.?We are very lucky to have a plethora of talented singer songwriters in the area so plenty of scope to hold many other “series of 6” Sessions.?The Sun Inn is a 700-year-old pub in the market town of Beverley. It prides itself on being the premier live music pub in the area?We have over 200 live performances annually plus a very busy open mic and a Ukelele Club and a Trad Folk session”
Regional Manager Sean Gifford who supported the Sun Inn’s entry had this to say-
‘Paul, along with his business partner Del, since their appointment in March this year, have been excellent in the development of their business, accelerating trade through their skills, local network connections, & creating a unique retail offer in Beverley that is the destination of first choice by customers. They have utilised many aspects of our support services & its great to see positive communication between publican, their customers & Stonegate.’
Well done team!
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