Happy August! Each month we strive to provide you with a variety of helpful resources, tips, and practices to support your continued success, both personally and professionally. Because we work with a diverse demographic of clients, industries, and backgrounds, we aim to provide content equally as diverse. If a particular section doesn't resonate with you, that's okay! Our hope is that everyone can find at least one gold nugget per issue.?
Below, you will find information on this month's article from Crum Consulting, this month's development challenge, as well as general wellness reminders. We have a number of knowledge-forward articles available that explore a variety of professional and personal topics, all of which will challenge your current perspective, and push your continued growth. Each month, we aim to provide you with a new challenge to help facilitate your ongoing growth. These challenges will range in topics and applications, in an effort to focus on a variety of aspects of your life. If you are a recurring client with us, we will be following up on this month's challenge with you in session. If you don't currently have any sessions set up with us, and would like to discuss this challenge and others like it, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session with us! You can reply directly here if we have worked together in the past. If you are a new client, please click?here?to fill out a consultation?form, and we will be in touch to schedule a session with you.?We also provide new wellness reminders in the form of our stretch of the month, and wellness tip. Regardless of your background, these reminders will help improve your day to day health and wellness.
August Article: This month's article is:? It Is My Pleasure.?Beyond the cultural and regional differences in our speech patterns, lies our intent. If you intend to pitch someone a sale in a conversation, that is exactly how you will be perceived. If you intend to help someone by filling a need, that is exactly how you will be perceived. If you have?any questions surrounding this month's article, or would like to further explore opportunities, please feel free to reach out to schedule a session with us! You can reply directly here if we have worked together in the past. If you are a new client, please click?here?to fill out a consultation?form, and we will be in touch to schedule a session with you.
August Challenge:?I challenge you to simplify your life!
→Professionally we can focus on saving energy and balancing projects to work more efficiently and prevent fatigue. Alternating between light and heavy tasks can help our body and mind stay focused throughout the day. Planning projects helps things go more smoothly when approaching deadlines. Consider revising the way you approach planning your days, catching up on the stack of paperwork looming on your desk, implementing email labels and folders to declutter your inbox, sourcing a task management software to help manage your workflows, and migrating your recurring tasks to your calendar for ease. A tip from our founder: “Restrict your active weekly goal list to no more than 10 items at a time. Any additional goals over the 10 allowance can go to an ongoing list. As you complete the tasks throughout the week, do not add to the list. When you set up the following week, reference your ongoing list, and prioritize your roll-over tasks from the previous week with your banked list of goals, to compile a new week of goals.”.
→Simplification at home can be as easy as scaling down our lifestyle; physical clutter, overscheduling, and finding balance in the family dynamic. Consider revising your house schedule, doing some spring cleaning, combing your house for donation opportunities, having a garage sale, implementing organizational components like bins or drawers, and having an open family discussion about what activities should be prioritized in what order vs. what activities are eating up too much time.
→We also must consider personal simplification by taking stock of our personal lives and connections. From time to time we will all encounter people in our lives that cause stress. It can be tough to break ties with them, but it’s worth it in the end. Life is too short to be held down by people who cause more problems than they are worth. Consider having a heart to heart with yourself regarding your personal network, and what each person brings to the table. Make a note of the emotional vampires, the time-suckers, the chronically negative, and the people that are not willing to help themselves. Then consider how much time you could give to yourself and others if you weren’t being drained by these stress-makers.
Stretch of the month:? Happy Baby Pose - this pose feels like you’re getting a great massage as you roll around side to side and back and forth in Happy Baby. It will give your back and hips some extra love that they need and crave.?Click the (external) link to learn more, or simply google "Happy Baby Pose"!
Wellness tip of the month:?Practice vulnerability. I know, I know...SCARY! There's not much in this world that is scarier than being vulnerable with others (or hell, even ourselves). Opening ourselves up to another human, baring our soul and experiences, sharing our thoughts and opinions - practicing vulnerability is the art of breaking down your walls and sharing the layers of your core self. Yup, still scary. But, there's an unspoken advantage to practicing vulnerability; the more we open ourselves up to others, the more others will open up to us. This is the primary catalyst to building trust with another. By providing a safe space to share vulnerability, you are welcoming new perspectives, experiences, opinions, feelings, and views. By practicing vulnerability, you are practicing growth.
Thank you for being a pivotal part of our journey here at?Crum Consulting. We would be nothing without you, and your continued support. Please feel free to share our content with others to pay it forward. We relish in receiving feedback, so if you have any suggestions or if you'd like to share your opinion on any of the content we have provided here,?please let us know!?If you have?any questions about anything we covered here, or if you'd like to explore potential opportunities with Crum Consulting, we are here for you! Reach out anytime!
Until we meet again, take care of yourself, and others. Thank you.
~Cole Crum, Crum Consulting Founder
"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet." - Gandhi