August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

The definitive guide to data pipelines

A key data pipeline capability is to track data lineage, including methodologies and tools that expose data’s life cycle and help answer questions about who, when, where, why, and how data changes. Data pipelines transform data, which is part of the data lineage’s scope, and tracking data changes is crucial in regulated industries or when human safety is a consideration. ... Other data catalog, data governance, and AI governance platforms may also have data lineage capabilities. “Business and technical stakeholders must equally understand how data flows, transforms, and is used across sources with end-to-end lineage for deeper impact analysis, improved regulatory compliance, and more trusted analytics,” says Felix Van de Maele, CEO of Collibra.?The data ops behind data pipelines When you deploy pipelines, how do you know whether they receive, transform, and send data accurately? Are data errors captured, and do single-record data issues halt the pipeline? Are the pipelines performing consistently, especially under heavy load? Are transformations idempotent, or are they streaming duplicate records when data sources have transmission errors?

Living with trust issues: The human side of zero trust architecture

As we’ve become more dependent on technology, IT environments have become more complex. This has made threats more intense and could even pose a serious danger. To tackle these growing security challenges — which needed a stronger and more flexible approach — industry experts, security practitioners, and tech providers came together to develop the zero trust architecture (ZTA) framework. This development led to a growing recognition of the importance of prioritizing verification over trust, which made ZTA a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies. The main idea behind ZTA is to “never trust, always verify.”?... Implementing the ZTA framework means that every action the IT and security teams handle is filtered through a security-first lens. However, the over-repeated mantra of “never trust, always verify” may affect the psychological well-being of those implementing it. Imagine spending hours monitoring every network activity while constantly questioning if the information is genuine and if people’s motives are pure. This suspicious climate not only affects the work environment but also spills over into personal interactions, affecting trust with others.?

Top technologies that will disrupt business in 2025

Chaplin finds ML useful for identifying customer-related trends and predicting outcomes. That sort of forecasting can help allocate resources more effectively, he says, and engage customers better — for example when recommending products. “While gen AI undoubtedly has its allure, it’s important for business leaders to appreciate the broader and more versatile applications of traditional ML,” he says. ... What Skillington touches on is the often-overlooked facet of any successful digital transformation: It all starts with data. By breaking down data silos, establishing wholistic data governance strategies, developing the right data architecture for the business, and developing data literacy across disciplines, organizations can not only gain better access to their data but also better understand how ... Edge computing and 5G are two complementary technologies that are maturing, getting smaller, and delivering tangible business results securely, says Rogers Jeffrey Leo John, CTO and co-founder of DataChat. “Edge devices such as mobile phones can now run intensive tasks like AI and ML, which were once only possible in data centers,” he says.?

Meta presents Transfusion: A Recipe for Training a Multi-Modal Model Over Discrete and Continuous Data

Transfusion is trained on a balanced mixture of text and image data, with each modality being processed through its specific objective: next-token prediction for text and diffusion for images. The model’s architecture consists of a transformer with modality-specific components, where text is tokenized into discrete sequences and images are encoded as latent patches using a variational autoencoder (VAE). The model employs causal attention for text tokens and bidirectional attention for image patches, ensuring that both modalities are processed effectively. Training is conducted on a large-scale dataset consisting of 2 trillion tokens, including 1 trillion text tokens and 692 million images, each represented by a sequence of patch vectors. The use of U-Net down and up blocks for image encoding and decoding further enhances the model’s efficiency, particularly when compressing images into patches. Transfusion demonstrates superior performance across several benchmarks, particularly in tasks involving text-to-image and image-to-text generation.?

AI Assistants: Picking the Right Copilot

The best assistant operates as an agent that understands what context the underlying AI can assume from its known environment. IDE assistants such as GitHub Copilot know that they are responding with programming projects in mind. GitHub Copilot examines script comments as well as syntax in a given script before crafting a suggestion. The tool examines syntax and comments against its trained datasets, consisting of GPT training and the codebase of GitHub's public repositories. GitHub Copilot was trained on the public repositories in GitHub, so it has a slightly different "perspective" on syntax than that of ChatGPT ADA. Thus, the choice of corpus for an AI model can influence what answer an AI assistant yields to users. A good AI assistant should offer a responsive chat feature to indicate its understanding of its environment. Jupyter, Tabnine, and Copilot all offer a native chat UI for the user. The chat experience influences how well a professional feels the AI assistant is working. How well it interprets prompts and how accurate the suggestions are all start with the conversational assistant experience, so technical professionals should note their experiences to see which assistant works best for their projects.

Is the vulnerability disclosure process glitched? How CISOs are being left in the dark

The elephant in the room regarding misaligned motives and communications between researchers and software vendors is that vendors frequently try to hide or downplay the bugs that researchers feel obligated to make public. “The root cause is a deep-seated fear and prioritizing reputation over security of users and customers,” Rapid7’s Condon says. “What it comes down to many times is that organizations are afraid to publish vulnerability information because of what it might mean for them legally, reputationally, and financially if their customers leave. Without a concerted effort to normalize vulnerability disclosure to reward and incentivize well-coordinated vulnerability disclosure, we can pick at communication all we want. Still, the root cause is this fear and the conflict that it engenders between researchers and vendors.” Condon is, however, sympathetic to the vendors’ fears. “They don’t want any information out there because they are understandably concerned about reputational damage. They’re seeing major cyberattacks in the news, CISOs and CEOs dragged in front of Congress or the Senate here in the US, and lawsuits are coming out against them. ...”

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