August 2024 - Group Concept Mapping Publication Spotlight
Concept Systems, Inc.
Expert, Woman-Owned Consulting for Nonprofit, Higher Education, and Government Organizations. Founders of GCM method.
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Important and Feasible Actions to Address Cervical Screening Participation amongst South Asian Women in Ontario: A Concept Mapping Study with Service Users and Service Providers
Devotta, K., O’Campo, P., Bender, J., & Lofters, A. K. (2024). Important and feasible actions to address cervical screening participation amongst South Asian women in ontario: A concept mapping study with service users and service providers. Current Oncology, 31(7), 4038–4051.
Development and Validation of a Health Literacy Scale for Family Caregivers of Older People with Chronic Illness
Kor, P. P., Yu, C. T., Li, Y., Tsang, A. P., Tan, L. H., Lam, S. C., Lee, P. H., Liu, J. Y., Leung, A. Y., & Lee, K. C. (2024). Development and validation of a health literacy scale for family caregivers of older people with chronic illness. BMC Nursing, 23(1).
Using Concept Mapping to Identify Community Partners’ and Researchers’ Perceptions of Social Justice: A Path Toward Eliminating Chronic Disease Disparities
Soule, E. K., Jones, D. M., Lovelady, N., Thomas, L., Du, R., Prewitt, T. E., Taylor, E., Baker, S., Guy, M. C., Cornell, C. E., & Fagan, P. (2024). Using concept mapping to identify community partners’ and researchers’ perceptions of social justice: A path toward eliminating chronic disease disparities. Health Equity, 8(1), 426–436.
Speaking the Same Language – The Development of a Glossary of Terms for Social Prescribing in Wales
Newstead, S., Jesurasa, A., Jenkins, B., Lavans, A., Woodall, A., & Wallace, C. (2024). Speaking the same language – the development of a glossary of terms for Social Prescribing in Wales. International Journal of Integrated Care, 24(3).
Use of Concept Mapping to Inform a Participatory Engagement Approach for Implementation of Evidence-Based HPV Vaccination Strategies in Safety-Net Clinics
Tsui, J., Shin, M., Sloan, K., Mackie, T. I., Garcia, S., Fehrenbacher, A. E., Crabtree, B. F., & Palinkas, L. A. (2024). Use of concept mapping to inform a participatory engagement approach for implementation of evidence-based HPV vaccination strategies in safety-net clinics. Implementation Science Communications, 5(1).
Development of a Quality of Life Measure for Left Ventricular Assist Device Recipients Using a Mixed Methods Approach
Slade, A. L., McMullan, C., Haque, M. S., Griffith, S., Marley, L., Quinn, D., O’Hara, M. E., Horton, M., Calvert, M. J., Lim, H. S., & Lane, D. A. (2024). Development of a quality of life measure for left ventricular assist device recipients using a mixed methods approach. ESC Heart Failure.
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