August 2024 Edition

August 2024 Edition

Hi Explorer,

Welcome to the Insider, your monthly companion for data analytics insights, best practices, and updates.

This month, you can dive into

  • new features to enhance your workflow
  • the importance of no-code software
  • how we deal with any location data
  • a Case Study of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges
  • what's happening in September

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To insightful data,

The team

Enhancing Your Workflow Efficiency | New Features Release

A few weeks ago, we released some exciting new features. We listened to your feedback and focused our development efforts on enhancing efficiency and minimizing human errors.

Check out the new features and be sure to let us know what your favorite is.

E.g., export and import layer styles for reuse in other projects.

INSIGHT: The importance of no-code software

Did you know that only 0,3% of the population knows how to write code??Discover why a no-code platform is essential to empower your staff in leveraging data effectively.

BENEFIT HIGHLIGHT: Compatible with all data sources & data vendors adapts to any data and is compatible with any mobility or maritime data from all data providers. Discover how we deal with any location data.

FEATURED CASE STUDY: Detecting anomalous vessel movements with AI at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges?

Learn how AI can be used to monitor port operations, improve port efficiency, and increase safety and security.


Join us for an insightful webinar to explore how we can help System Integrators (Sis) revolutionize how they approach spatial-temporal data.

This session is tailored for technology leaders, data scientists, and System Integrators who are ready to overcome these challenges and unlock new possibilities.



ITS World Congress - Dubai | 16-20 September 2024

Join Nick De Beer & Tom Van Bellinghen at the leading event in smart mobility & digitalization of transport.

On 17 September, Nick will present a case study on how the German Road Authorities optimized their traffic management.

Find out more

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