August 2023 Recap
OR Manager
Critical Information, Analysis, and Best Practices for Today’s Surgical Suite Leaders.
15 unhappiest, happiest nursing jobs
Using US News and World Report criteria for their list of best jobs, Nursing Process ranked the top 15 unhappiest and top 15 happiest jobs for nurses. The criteria included salary, upward mobility, stress level, flexibility, work-life balance... Read more
Clinical outcomes, costs of robotic vs open ventral hernia repair
This study led by researchers at Good Samaritan Medical Center, Brockton, Massachusetts, and Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, examines the clinical outcomes and costs of robotic and open ventral hernia repairs. A total of 675 open and... Read more
Study: Transitioning back to reusable surgical gowns
In this study, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, examine the feasibility of transitioning back to reusable surgical gowns and the corresponding cost savings and reductions in solid waste. Disposable surgical gowns were replaced with polyester... Read more
‘Grumpy staying’ added to ‘quiet quitting,’ ‘loud quitting’
A new term, “grumpy staying,” has been added to the terms being used to describe members of today’s workforce. Grumpy staying refers to the behavior of workers who choose to remain in their jobs while exhibiting irritable and... Read more
SSI rates before, after reuse of PPE during pandemic
This study from Trinity Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan, compares prepandemic surgical site infection (SSI) rates before reusing personal protective equipment (PPE), to pandemic SSI rates after reusing PPE in trauma surgical patients. A total of 48,987 patients were... Read more
Predictors of COVID-19 booster uptake by nurses
This study by researchers at South Dakota State University, Brookings, investigates why COVID-19 booster uptake has been a challenge among nurses. A total of 1,084 nurses were included in the analysis. Results showed that the odds ratio (OR)... Read more
ACS: 19 surgical organizations oppose CMS code G2211
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) announced, on July 26, that it and 18 other surgical organizations sent a letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), strongly opposing implementation of its code G2211. The G2211... Read more
10 best-earning nursing jobs for 2023
In an August 2 article on the Nursing Process website, Kasee Wiesen, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, ranked the 10 top-earning nursing jobs for 2023. The top 10 jobs with their national average salaries are: Certified registered nurse anesthetist: $202,804... Read more
Associations of aerobic, muscle-strengthening activities with mortality
This study led by researchers in Spain examines the optimal combination of moderate aerobic physical activities, vigorous aerobic physical activity, and muscle-strengthening activity to reduce all-cause cardiovascular and cancer mortality. Using data from the US National Health Interview... Read more
Price transparency in surgical settings
About one in five emergency department visits and one in six in-network hospitalizations for nonemergency care result in surprise bills from out-of-network providers patients were not aware of, according to a... Read more
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