August 2023 Real Estate Market
Last week's devastating fires on Maui have touched us deeply. Many of us share a connection to this beautiful island – whether through vacations, friends, or second homes. Our hearts go out to all affected by this tragedy. Let's take a moment to reflect on the importance of preparedness here in our own community. With fire season approaching, now is the time to ensure our homes and families are safeguarded. Simple steps like creating defensible spaces, having emergency kits, and staying informed by signing up for alerts can make a world of difference.
While fire preparedness is paramount, we also recognize the significance of staying up-to-date on the local real estate market and in that light, here is a brief update on the current landscape.
It’s a puzzling market right now. Inventory remains very low, and prices are down from the pandemic years but continue to be strong. Homes that satisfy a trifecta of 1) appropriate pricing, 2) impeccable presentation, and 3) vigorous marketing are demonstrating excellent results, very often with multiple offers and prices well over list.
The critical step lies in setting the correct price, a task best entrusted to experts (such as us). Despite this market transformation, there is a considerable pool of buyers. The scarcity of homes available for purchase only amplifies the allure of your property in this market should you consider selling.
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