August 16 Weekly Security & Fire Round-Up
Security & Fire Africa
Security & Fire Africa is the leading online news portal for Security & Fire professionals in Africa
It's that time of the week again when we at Security & Fire Africa share the best news you've missed.
?? IBM 's report revealed the cost of data breaches in South Africa:
????Firefighters battled wildfires in Algerian Kabylie region:
??East Africa made moves to bolster its cybersecurity efforts:
?? Sectigo partnered with TRINEXIA Africa :
?? Gallagher Security Africa addressed its regional growth:
???The Great Minds Group Africa Oil and Gas Digital Transformation Conference welcomes visitors from September 3?-?September 4:
Free Resources
??Luke Wilkinson, Managing Director at Mobile Tornado, explores how push-to-talk over cellular is tackling challenges and improving operational efficiencies for the public safety and security sectors.
Effective and secure communication is the backbone of services provided by public safety and security sectors. While the stereotypical ‘Roger, Roger’ may be a familiar phrase, the reality is that we all rely heavily on the expertise and swift actions of security personnel and first responders to ensure our safety in both routine and spontaneous situations. But who safeguards the well-being of these essential workers? The answer is their dispatch controllers, whose ability to communicate in real-time is a vital component in protecting those on the frontlines. Effective real-time communication enables dispatch controllers to coordinate efforts, disseminate crucial information, and make informed decisions that can ultimately save lives.
Unfortunately, three key issues still affect workforces in public safety and security sectors, limiting their own safety. They are: poor communication quality and timeliness; dispersed and separated teams; and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. To combat these issues, public safety and security organisations need secure and dependable real-time communication solutions. Push-to-talk over cellular (PTToC) has emerged as a popular real-time communication method, surpassing two-way radios, as it offers improved voice quality, range, and advanced features such as live video, GPS tracking, and data encryption. But how exactly is PTToC helping the public safety and security sectors tackle their current challenges and improve operational efficiency?
Find out the answer:
??Don't let fire steal your building's strength. Brett W. Shinn, Fire Testing Manager, Thomas Bell-Wright International Consultants, uncovers the power of intumescent coatings and how vital achieving the necessary thickness of these coatings is.
Imagine a fire erupting in a building, but the heat barely penetrates or affects the building’s supporting structural steel beams and columns. One way this firefighting feat is achieved is by protective intumescent coatings applied to the steel, and these innovative paints are the secret weapon in passive fire protection designed to shield steel, wood and other materials when flames come knocking.
Intumescent coatings, in concept, work quite simply: upon exposure to heat, the paint undergoes a dramatic transformation and expands into a thick, insulating char. This char acts as a barrier, significantly delaying the time it takes for the fire to weaken the structure, allowing occupants precious time to evacuate and giving firefighters a fighting chance to extinguish the blaze before any substantial loss of structure or property.
The coatings, quite impressively, can be applied to structural steel members as thin as 1mm, and as thick as required, depending on what may be understood as the thermal mass of the member, and a required thickness is determined through fire-testing.
Understandably, however, this relationship between applied thickness and section factor must be well understood during the design, testing, specification and end-use phases.