Augmented Reality
????????Reality sometimes can get quite boring walking the same roads over and over again. Living in an era of technology growth lets us change and spice up our reality as we please. As #vr is becoming more and more popular, people enjoy feeling like they’re in the fictional world of their game/virtual place. But, instead of separating these two worlds, why don’t we just combine them?
#augmentedreality (AR) does exactly that. Giving virtual additions to your surrounding in the real world. A very simple example of this is Pokemon Go, where you had to catch Pokemons whose locations were scattered in your neighborhood and all over your city. As there are several types of #ar , you can have more types of projections, depending on what is developed and what needs to be shown. Sometimes projections are #markered and the projection goes exactly where it’s markered in a specific position, rotated in a specific way. Other projections may be activated by only facing your phone with a flat surface in front of the camera (Many Instagram and Snapchat filters use this). There are projections that include moving parts as a part of the #projections . Many of them are on murals around cities and the artist develops a 3D model that goes above the picture completing the art project.
Thinking that something like this would be possible in the past would have been just a dream that’s way out of touch. As VR and AR are coming more available, people are keen on spicing up their everyday reality with something new and exciting every day. With this doing big projects of art while still being connected to reality becomes more fun to enjoy and imagining it becomes easier with the fact alone that it is intertwined with the mere reality where we live daily.