Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices
Peter Philips
Learning Facilitator, and Senior Editor at Tuitioncenter | CV/Resume/Cover Letter Writer | Helping Students and Professionals Succeed
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:
Peter Philips
Grade Level:
3rd Grade
July 3rd 2023
Measurement and Data
Instructional Plan Title:
Making Measurement Comparisons and Utilizing Models of Measuring Units
Lesson Summary and Focus:
In this lesson, third-grade learners will learn about measurement and data. The emphasis will be on making measurement comparisons and utilizing concepts of measuring units. Learners will utilize appropriate units and tools to determine/estimate and measure weight, length, and temperature. The lesson involves learners in hands-on tasks/activities and utilizes assistive technology to facilitate their learning.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:
The classroom comprises a diverse group of learners with different needs. Four selected students from the Class Profile who would benefit from utilizing augmentative or alternative communication tools/devices or other kinds of assistive technology are Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell. These learners have varying performance levels in reading and math; some have specific disabilities or receive additional support, such as Tier 3 RTI. The lesson will embody differentiated tasks/activities to accommodate their learning needs and foster inclusive learning.
National/State Learning Standards:
Indiana Academic Standards Mathematics: Grade 3 - Measurement Strand-3.M.2:
v? Choose and use appropriate units and tools to estimate and measure length, weight, and temperature (Indiana Department of Education, 2020; Van de Walle et al., 2014).
v? Estimate and measure length to a quarter-inch, weight in pounds, and temperature in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit (Indiana Department of Education, 2020).
Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:
?? Given a set of goals, the learners will measure and estimate their length to a quarter-inch utilizing appropriate measuring tools such as tape measure and ruler with at least 80% accuracy.
?? Given different goals, the learners will measure and estimate their weight in pounds utilizing a scale with at least 80% accuracy.
?? Given temperature readings in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius, the learners will convert between the two units utilizing appropriate conversion tools such as calculators and charts with at least 80% accuracy.
Academic Language
General academic vocabulary:
v? Measure, estimate, weight, length, temperature, units, accuracy, tools, conversion, pounds, quarter-inch, degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Celsius (Indiana Department of Education, 2020).
Content-specific vocabulary:
v? Tape measure, ruler, scale, Fahrenheit, Celsius, conversion chart, thermometer.
To teach the vocabulary, I will:
v? Provide visual aids and illustrations of the units and tools.
v? Explain the meanings of the vocabulary phrases/words and provide examples in context.
v? Encourage learners to utilize the vocabulary during discussions and exercises/activities (Indiana Department of Education, 2020).
v? Display word walls or anchor charts with the vocabulary phrases/words and their definitions.
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:
?? Tape measures, rulers, thermometers, scales
?? Objects of different weights, lengths, and temperatures
?? Calculators (if available)
?? Conversion charts
?? Assistive technology tools/devices (Alternative and augmentative communication devices) for learners who need them (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023; Van de Walle et al., 2014).
?? Printed handouts or worksheets
?? Interactive projector or whiteboard for displaying instructional materials and visual aids
?? Internet resources particularly DREAMBOX LEARNING (2023) for additional practice or reinforcement
Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
v? Display pictures/images of objects/materials with different weights, lengths, and temperatures on the interactive whiteboard.? Display pictures/images of objects/materials with different weights, lengths, and temperatures on the interactive whiteboard (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023; DREAMBOX LEARNING, 2023; Van de Walle et al., 2014).
v? Ask learners to share what they notice about the items/objects and what they think will be the focus of the lesson.
v? Engage learners in a brief discussion regarding measurement and why it is essential in our daily lives.
Time Needed:
5 Minutes
Multiple Means of Representation
To support the diverse learning needs of the four selected learners (Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell), the lesson will encompass various means of representation including different approaches and examples as follows:
1. Visuals and Hands-on Materials:
?? Display pictures/images of objects/items with different weights, lengths, and temperatures on the interactive whiteboard. Provide visual illustrations of measuring devices such as tape measures, rulers, thermometers and scales.
?? Prepare physical items/objects of different weights, lengths, and temperatures for learners to explore and manipulate during hands-on exercises. For instance, utilize wooden blocks of varying sizes, objects/items with different weights, and containers with cold and hot water for temperature measurement (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023; Van de Walle et al., 2014).
2. Graphic Organizers and Anchor Charts:
?? Utilize anchor charts or graphic organizers to demonstrate the steps for measuring and estimating weight, length, and temperature. Include visual illustrations and examples to enhance comprehension. For example, create a chart that illustrates how to utilize a ruler for length measurement, a scale for weight measurement, and a thermometer for temperature measurement.
3. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices:
?? Provide Donnie, who wears hearing aids, with a communication app or device that supports her hearing needs. This tool/device can assist her receive and comprehend verbal instructions clearly. Additionally, encourage her to utilize the AAC tool/device to communicate her thoughts and ask questions during class engagements/discussions (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
4. Differentiated Handouts and Worksheets:
?? Adapt/modify the handouts and worksheets based on the individual needs of each learner. For Wayne, who has an intellectual disability and is receiving Tier 3 RTI for math, simplify the language and provide visual illustrations on the worksheets. Offer further assistance, such as utilizing color-coding or underlining pertinent details (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
?? For Fredrick, who has a traumatic brain injury and receives Tier 3 RTI for math and reading, provide worksheets with explicit instructions and reduced visual hindrances. Break down complex assignments/tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
?? For Wendell, who receives Tier 3 RTI for math and has a learning disability, offer worksheets with scaffolding and visual illustrations. Utilize charts, graphic organizers, or number lines to help him in comprehending and solving measurement challenges/problems.
Assistive Technology:
?? Utilize assistive technology apps or devices that facilitate the learning needs of the four learners. For instance, provide Wayne with a calculator app to help him in performing calculations during the units’ conversion (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
?? Explore online resources or educational applications particularly DREAMBOX LEARNING (2023) that offer interactive exercises related to data and measurement. These resources can provide visual and auditory cues, engaging the learners and boosting their learning.
Time Needed:
15 Minutes
Multiple Means of Engagement
To ensure active participation and engagement of the four selected learners (Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell) in the lesson on measurement and data, I will implement various approaches and examples of multiple means of engagement as follows:
Manipulatives? and Hands-on Activities:
v? Provide Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell with hands-on manipulatives (DREAMBOX LEARNING, 2023) and objects/items of different weights, lengths, and temperatures. This tactile experience will allow them to explore and interact firsthand with the measurement concepts.
v? For instance, learners can utilize measuring tapes or wooden blocks to measure the lengths of different items/objects. They can utilize scales to weigh objects/items and thermometers to measure the temperature of water stored in various containers (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023; Van de Walle et al., 2014).
v? Encourage learners to work collaboratively in small clusters/groups to facilitate peer engagements and promote shared learning experiences.
Cooperative Learning and Peer Interaction:
v? Organize cooperative learning exercises/activities that involve all four learners working together on measurement assignments (Van de Walle et al., 2014).
v? Assign roles within each cluster/group to ensure equal contributions and active participation. For example, Donnie can be responsible for reading and interpreting measurements, Wayne can help with data recording, Fredrick can organize the materials, and Wendell can assist with calculations.
v? Provide clear prompts and instructions that encourage learners to explain and discuss their thinking, ask questions, and provide support to one another.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices:
v? Use AAC devices for Donnie to improve her engagement and communication during class discussions and group exercises/activities. These devices can assist her ask questions, express her thoughts, and actively contribute in conversations related to measurement (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
v? Offer support and training on how to effectively utilize AAC devices to all learners, fostering inclusive communication and comprehension within the classroom.
Interactive? and Gamification Technology:
v? Incorporate gamified components and interactive technology to make the lesson more engaging and encouraging for all learners.
v? Introduce measurement-related games, such as an interactive measurement quiz or a virtual measurement scavenger hunt, utilizing online platforms or educational apps such as DREAMBOX LEARNING (2023).
v? Utilize interactive projectors or whiteboards to demonstrate visually appealing and interactive measurement diagrams, tools, and charts.
v? Provide avenues for learners to utilize calculators or measurement conversion devices/tools on tablets or computers to underline their learning and enhance engagement (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023; Van de Walle et al., 2014).
Real-World Context and Personal Relevance:
v? Relate the ideas of measurement and data to real-world contexts that are personally relevant to the learners.
v? Engage in discussions about why measurement is essential in their daily lives. For instance, discuss how accurately measuring ingredients is crucial in cooking or how comprehending temperature measurements assists in dressing appropriately for different weather conditions (Van de Walle et al., 2014).
v? Encourage learners to share their personal experiences or examples of measurement from their lives, promoting a sense of togetherness and relevance to the topic.
Time Needed:
25 Minutes
Multiple Means of Expression
To support the four selected learners (Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell) in expressing their comprehension of measurement and data, I will implement various approaches and examples of multiple means of expression as follows:
Visual Representations-I will utilize graphic organizers and visual aids to assist learners organize their thoughts and illustrate their comprehension visually. For instance:
?? Provide Donnie with visual representations of measurement devices, such as tape measures, labeled images of rulers, thermometers, and scales. This will assist her in associating the tools/devices with their respective measurements and functions (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
?? Wayne, who has an intellectual disability, utilizes visual organizers with clear, simple details/instructions and visual cues to help him in data recording accurately. Offer color-coding or highlighting alternatives to assist him in differentiating between measurements and units.
?? Fredrick, who has a traumatic brain injury, could benefit from simplified visual details/instructions and reduced visual hindrances on handouts or worksheets. Utilize visual signs and cues to support his understanding and completion of assignments.
?? Wendell, who has a learning disability, can benefit from visual illustrations/aids such as number lines, graphic organizers, or charts to help him comprehend and solve measurement challenges/problems. These visuals can assist him in breaking down challenging assignments into smaller, more manageable steps (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
Written Expression- To allow learners to express their comprehension through written means, adjusted per their individual needs, I will consider the following approaches:
?? Donnie, who is at grade level in math and reading, can write brief explanations or descriptions of measurement processes utilizing appropriate vocabulary. Encourage her to utilize words related to measurement, units, and estimation in her written responses.
?? Wayne, who is receiving Tier 3 RTI for math, could require visual supports and simplified language to complete written assignments. Provide him with worksheets that include visual illustrations and underline key information. Alternatively, offer fill-in-the-blank or sentence starters’ options to help him in expressing his comprehension (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
?? Fredrick, who receives Tier 3 RTI for math and reading and has a traumatic brain injury, could benefit from handouts or worksheets with reduced visual interruptions. Provide explicit details/instructions and break down challenging assignments into smaller, manageable steps. Offer him the alternative to respond with brief written bullet points or answers.
?? Wendell, who receives Tier 3 RTI for math, can gain from worksheets that provide visual aids and scaffolding. Include guided prompts and quizzes that prompt him to detail his perspective or demonstrate his work step-by-step. Allow him to respond utilizing a combination of phrases, diagrams, and numbers (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
Oral Expression:
To facilitate avenues for learners to verbally express their comprehension of measurement ideas/concepts I will consider the following approaches:
?? Provide Donnie with avenues to share her views and explanations verbally during class discussions. Motivate her to utilize her hearing aids effectively and to ask quizzes or seek clarification as needed (ASHA, 2023).
?? Wayne, who has an intellectual disability, could benefit from structured small group exercises or discussions that provide a supportive atmosphere for oral expression. Assign him a specific part, such as detailing measurement ideas/concepts to his peers, to stimulate his active participation.
?? Fredrick, who has a traumatic brain injury, could require extra processing time and support during oral expression (ASHA, 2023). Allow him to express his comprehension in concise and brief responses. Offer cues and prompts to guide his explanations.
?? Wendell, who has a learning disability, could benefit from avenues to verbally detail his problem-solving approaches or measurement procedures. Encourage him to utilize his words and to express his comprehension at a comfortable pace.
Alternative Communication Devices:
For learners who could benefit from augmentative and alternative communication tools, I will consider the following approaches:
?? Provide Donnie with a communication app or device that supports her hearing needs. This tool can assist her receive and comprehend verbal instructions clearly. Motivate her to utilize the AAC device to communicate her views and questions during class engagements/discussions (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023).
?? Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell could also benefit from AAC tools/devices that ease their expression of comprehending. Explore appropriate AAC apps or devices that suit their abilities and needs. Provide support and training to ensure they can effectively use these devices in expressing their perspectives and participating in classroom exercises/activities.
Time Needed:
25 Minutes
Extension Activity and/or Homework
For Donnie:
Assignment: Estimating and Measuring Length
Materials: Ruler, and objects of different lengths such as pencil, book, paperclip, and shoe.
Question: Estimate and measure the length of the following objects using a ruler (Van de Walle et al., 2014):
a. Pencil
b. Book
c. Paperclip
d. Shoe
This extension exercise/activity supports the learning goal of "Given a set of items/objects, the learners will estimate and measure their length utilizing appropriate measuring tools (ruler) with at least 80% accuracy." By estimating and measuring the length of various items/objects, Donnie will practice utilizing a ruler and develop her ability to estimate and measure accurately.
For Wayne:
Assignment: Estimating and Measuring Weight
Materials: Scale, objects/items of different weights such as book, apple, toy car, and eraser.
Question: Estimate and measure the weight of the following items/objects in pounds utilizing a scale (Van de Walle et al., 2014):
a. Book
b. Apple
c. Toy car
d. Eraser
This extension exercise supports Learning targets of "Given different items/objects, the learners will estimate and measure their weight in pounds utilizing a scale with at least 80% accuracy." Wayne will have the avenue to estimate and measure the weight of various items/objects, enhancing his comprehension of weight measurement and his ability to utilize a scale accurately.
For Fredrick:
Assignment: Converting Temperature Units
Materials: Thermometer, temperature conversion chart (Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa)
Question: Convert the following temperature readings between degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit utilizing the provided conversion chart (Van de Walle et al., 2014):
a. 20 degrees Celsius
b. 68 degrees Fahrenheit
c. -10 degrees Celsius
d. 32 degrees Fahrenheit
This extension activity/exercise supports the learning goal of "Given temperature readings in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit, the learners will convert between the two units utilizing appropriate conversion tools such as charts, and calculators with at least 80% accuracy." Fredrick will practice converting temperature measurements, underlining his comprehension of temperature units and improving his ability to utilize conversion charts effectively.
For Wendell:
Assignment: Estimating and Measuring Length and Weight
Materials: Ruler, scale, objects of different lengths and weights such as pencil, book, apple, and toy car.
Question: Estimate and measure the length and weight of the following items/objects (Van de Walle et al., 2014):
a. Pencil (length)
b. Book (length and weight)
c. Apple (weight)
d. Toy car (length and weight)
This extension exercise/activity supports the learning objective of "Given a set of items/objects, the learners will estimate and measure their length utilizing appropriate measuring tools (ruler) with at least 80% accuracy" and "Given different items/objects, the learners will estimate and measure their weight in pounds utilizing a scale with at least 80% accuracy." Wendell will have the avenue to practice both length and weight measurement, utilizing a ruler and a scale, thereby enhancing his measurement skills in multiple scenarios.
Time Needed:
10 Minutes
Ahmad, F. K. (2015). Use of assistive technology in Inclusive Education: ????? Making room for diverse learning needs. Transcience. ???????
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). (2023). ????? Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). American ????? Speech-Language-Hearing Association. ??????
DREAMBOX LEARNING. (2023). Teacher tools. DreamBox Learning - Online Math & Reading Solutions for Students K-12. ????
Indiana Department of Education. (2020, December). Indiana Academic ???? Standards Mathematics: Grade 3. Indiana Department of Education. ??????? R.pdf
Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2014). Elementary ? and middle ????? school mathematics. Pearson.
Part 2: Communication Device Rationale
In today's inclusive classrooms, it is crucial to offer the right support and adjustments to fulfill the varied learning requirements of all learners. This rationale will justify using augmentative and alternative communication devices (AAC) and other forms of assistive technology in the third-grade measurement and data lesson I completed. The lesson's objective is to engage learners in making measurement comparisons and utilizing models of measuring units while ensuring that four particular learners with varying needs can participate fully and succeed.
Donnie, one of the learners in the classroom, wears hearing aids, and her need for communication support is addressed, thus justifying the utilization of ACC to facilitate her learning needs. For instance, an ACC app or device is provided to facilitate her comprehension of verbal instructions and enable her to participate actively during the lesson. Consequently, the device is vital in enhancing her understanding as it amplifies and clarifies the instructions allowing her to follow along more effectively (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023). Further, the device empowers her to express her perspectives and ask questions, thus fostering inclusive communication within the class. On the other hand, given the individualized needs of the other three learners including Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell, whose needs are related to their reading, math, and cognitive abilities, by incorporating ACC devices and other assistive technology, the learners can receive the necessary support to understand and express their comprehension of measurement concepts and ideas. For example, Wayne, who receives Tier 3 RTI for math, can benefit from a calculator application outlined in the lesson plan, which will help him perform calculations during the conversion of various units (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023). Consequently, the technology boosts his accuracy and confidence in completing measurement assignments.
Regarding learning materials' differentiation, the lesson plan includes modified handouts and worksheets for the selected four learners. Notably, visual supports, simplified language, and reduced visual distractions are provided based on each learner's needs (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023). For instance, the differentiation ensures that Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell can access the content and complete assignments. Consequently, the customization of the materials allows for accommodating the learners' different learning styles and promotes meaningful engagement. On the other hand, regarding the multiple means of representation, the lesson plan caters to the diverse learning needs of the class's learners by incorporating multiple means of representation. For instance, hand-on-materials, visual aids, anchor charts, and graphic organizers are used to demonstrate measurement concepts (Ahmad, 2015; ASHA, 2023). These approaches allow all learners to process information through different modes, thus improving their understanding and retention. Additionally, regarding the multiple means of engagement, the lesson plan includes various active approaches to engage the learners. For example, manipulatives and hands-on activities enable Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell to explore measurement concepts directly. Other strategies in the lesson plan include gamification and interactive technology, which foster collaboration and shared-learning experiences, thus enhancing the lesson's engagement and encouraging learners during the lesson.
Conclusively, using ACC devices and other forms of assistive technology in the measurement and data lesson is essential for providing inclusive learning experiences for learners with varying needs. In this regard, incorporating these tools in the lesson plan ensures that learners like Donnie, Wayne, Fredrick, and Wendell can actively participate, understand, and express their perspectives on measurement concepts.
Ahmad, F. K. (2015). Use of assistive technology in Inclusive Education: ????? Making room for diverse learning needs. Transcience. ???????
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). (2023). ???? Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). American ???????? Speech-Language-Hearing Association. ?????????