AUG. '23 Benedictine Newsletter

AUG. '23 Benedictine Newsletter

Saint Benedict’s Abbey 1020 North Second Street Atchison, KS.? 66002


"Stultas autem et sine disciplina quaestiones devita sciens quia generant lites."

said: "stool-tahs / auw-tehm / eht / see-nay / di-shee-plee-nah / qways-tee-oh-nays / deh-vee-tah / shee-ehns / qwee-ah / gen-ehr-ahnt / lee-tehs." Translation: "And avoid foolish and unlearned questions, knowing that they beget strifes."

(2 Timothy 2:23)

Salvete fratres!? Given the fact that the world is a mess and that it doesn’t look like it is going to improve in the near future, I figured a Bible verse that we all could apply to our situations is in order.? This verse from the Bible is one that is often forgotten as an active application in life with regard to conflicts.? Applying this verse in our everyday lives could potentially prevent us from saying or doing something un-Benedictine (stupid), especially if you are in prison.? Here is how focus on this verse prevented me from doing just that on a few occasions.? This is a really powerful verse to focus on, especially for those of us who have more than 25% Irish blood flowing through our veins.? We are not very good at keeping our opinions or thoughts to ourselves.? Some life examples of mine:? A few years ago, I was “downsized” from a company.? That particular morning, I was called into the owner’s office.? I had just completed drawings for a 2600 square foot basement remodel.? I figured the meeting was about that huge scope of work and the logistics associated with all of that.? WRONG!? I was informed to turn in all my gear and that the company was collapsing the division assigned to me, only after working there for four months.? Further inquiry lead me to discover that this part of the company was “on life support” for the past year plus, and, I was the “Hail Mary” for this effort, while I was in training!? Well, I went from an excellent wage to zero.? How would this affect my family?? We were just starting to dig out of debt after my 10 years in prison.? We all know that our bills don’t automatically stop, when incarcerated, they just stack up and either the company gets a judgement for non-payment or, the bills are there for you when you are released.? Neither are a good position, but, Our Lord provides.? My immediate thoughts were:? What am I going to do?? Are we going to get thrown out of the house?? All of these questions swamped me.? I felt betrayed, as the owner and the operations director were long term friends of mine.? As a result, considering the question “Should I punch these two idiots?” and suppressing that urge for this betrayal was also a huge factor.? The old “it’s nothing personal, it’s business” was also offered as a justifier, but that is, and, always will be, thin soup, as you affect not only the person being canned, but, the entire immediate and, perhaps, extended family as well.? I focused on the above verse and prayed, prayed, prayed.? Finally the negative feelings detached themselves, after a month or so.? Since my wife and son were working, they were able to pick up more hours, and we were not financially torpedoed, but it was sure stressful.? I also did not punch those two…(laugh now…)? Another aspect of this type of restraint is a practical one when someone who loves to argue will not let something go.? This is more recent.? You will have interactions in your life where folks will just not let something go and they keep bringing the same topic up over and over.? They call you all sorts of things you are not, as they are very emotional.? Now, you may want to reply, but, you just might find out that will only make the argument longer.? (Modern times, especially, are confusing for so many reasons, which I will not enumerate here, as the newsletter won’t fit in an envelope!!!)? Moreover, when folks are whipped up into an emotional state, logic and reason go out the window.? Sometimes the best response is no response.? Don’t be surprised if the person who loves to argue starts gossiping behind your back or paints themselves as a victim, either.? My advice is to keep doing what you are supposed to be doing and do not engage, as there is no satisfying some people.? You will be a better person for just stepping away from the madness.? I relate these experiences to you all as food for thought, not to cry about my experiences.? I am confident that wherever you are, you have stressful situations.? You see, we are all spiritual works in progress, and, we will be so until we leave this life.? This month, reflect on how you have handled stressful situations.? Did you apply this verse to that situation, or did you sock someone?? Are you still nursing a grudge?? Do you enjoy actively starting conflict or strife?? Are you harboring unforgiveness for something in your past?? As Benedictine Oblates, we are supposed to be different from the world and not let our passions rule our lives.? Combined with the Divine Office and Rule of St. Benedict, this verse from Scripture is another tool in our spiritual bag to help us along this journey.? Take some time for reflection and apply this verse in your life.? It may just help you from saying or doing something un-Benedictine.? You are all in my prayers!

May God and Mary be with you!? Pax.

Oratio Devota

(said “Oar-AH-tsee-oh / Day-voh-tah”) is where we take a little Latin, the ancient and sacred language of Holy Mother Church, and apply it to our daily lives.? This month’s phrase is:

“Convertere ad Dominum”

(said:? Con-ver-teh-rey / ahd / Doh-me-noom)

This gem has a whole host of sources-Psalms and sacred music just to name two.? This Latin command form renders to “Convert to God!” and is not a suggestion if you want to have a chance for salvation.? Now, this portion may offend some protestant readers who ascribe to “Once Saved, Always Saved”, but, that is a heresy, first, and second, you are not relieved of your personal responsibility for your actions (or lack of same) while down here on God’s Big Blue Marble called Earth.? I expect I will be taking FLAK for this from some, as I post this on social media as well as send this into you all in prison.? <Tighten helmet straps…now…>? Convertere ad Dominum is a truth that sometimes, it takes going to prison to achieve.? I am one of those cases.? Prior to my “state-paid vacation” I was financially solvent, had nice things, was an excellent hedonist, and, had all the worldly trappings of someone who was “a success”.? My lack: God was not in my life.? I didn’t attend Mass, I did not live my faith, I was happy with “go along to get along”...prison changed all that.? [God has a way of taking some of us out of our comfort zone, shaking the snow globe, and then pushing the reset button to bring us back to the path HE wants us on.]? Within a few moments, all that I had was stripped away!? As my aunt would say:? “It’s a short drop from the ‘Penthouse’ to the ‘Outhouse’!”? Boy, was she correct on that!? I went from “Life is good” to “Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot?” in what seemed to be a matter of seconds.? I was dropped into county jail for a very short time then they sent me to a “Medium” security facility.? I am always confounded how they rate these places, as this location was “Gladiator School” in my opinion, as people started fights hourly.? I was very angry at my situation.? The local priest was afraid to step on the grounds and offer Mass, as he was afraid for his life.? This would seem to be in direct conflict with the Gospel of St. Matthew, as a priest, but, that is a discussion reserved for another newsletter, and one article I am not qualified to write, as I do not know that man’s mental, physical, or spiritual condition as a priest, at that time.? So, I won’t be typing that one.? Laugh, now.? So, after being subjected to “no Mass” for 4 months, I wrote a friend of mine to have him send me a Missal.? Well, it was the 1945 Fr. Lasance Roman Missal.? I was able to rehydrate my Latin from the early 1980’s as well as truly understand the beauty and awe that the Mass really was!? I went from “John Q. Apostate Catholic” to a “John The Evangelist 2.0”, as the more I read, the more I learned about the magisterium and the Mass.? This started me on the road of reading St. Augustine (City of God, all 22 volumes!!!? Boy, does he repeat himself…frequently!), St. Aphonsus de Liguori, Heresies and Their Refutations, 2 Volumes, The Baltimore Catechism, and, believe it or not, all 16 documents from Vatican II, twice!? I relate this not to bloviate, but, rather, encourage you who may read this to do the same and use your time to better your knowledge of the Faith, rather than spend your time playing spades at the card table.? I look back on who I was then and look at my life now…? TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!? Not only did my faith grow, I was part of a 3 man team who converted 50 guys to Holy Mother Church, have 5 godsons as a result of my time behind the wire.? More directly, I would have never found the Oblates of St. Benedict and you might not have been getting this newsletter.? When you actually stop and analyze your life with prayerful introspection, it is truly miraculous how God works through us.? I tell you all this out of the spirit of using your time in prison well, rather than waste it.? You are afforded a gift of time that most will never have, as you can pray the Divine Office with regularity, if you choose to do so.? It is a bit more challenging to do that when you have a family, occupation(s), and other commitments.? I, for one, firmly believe that my tenure in prison saved my soul.? I do not type that with flippancy or pandering, but, I sincerely mean that.? I was a spiritual train wreck, tried to fill a God sized hole with something other than God, and, was away from the church.? State-paid vacation caused me to self-analyze and pick up my Catholicism once again and make it the center of my life.? Now, please do not misunderstand me, I am by no means perfect.? I have, however, been molded and shaped by the Holy Ghost as a result of my time and as a result of my experiences.? Perhaps, take some time this month and prayerfully look at the course of events in your life where God has inserted Himself and changed the path you were on.? I invite you all:? Convertere ad Dominum!? You will find that once you accept “Thy will be done” meaning God’s way, as opposed to “my way”, your life becomes simpler, as you are His instrument here on Earth.? You are all in my prayers during the Office!

Pax + Domini sit + semper nobis +cum!

Book of the month:

Antichrist? by: St. Robert Bellarmine (Translated by Ryan Grant)

ISBN:? 978-0-69264-891-9

This is an excellent work of profound clarity.

Prayer Intentions and Requests:

For the continued growth of the Benedictine Oblates in and out prison.

For the healing of all wounds in Holy Mother Church.

For the return of all apostate Catholics.

For all the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Important Dates in August:

1-Holy Machabees & St. Peter in Chains; 2-Sts. Stephen I & Alphonsus Liguori; 4-St. Dominic; 6-TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD; 7-Sts. Cajetan & Donatus; 8-St. John Vianney & Sts. Cyriacus, Largus, & Smaragdus; 10-St. Laurence; 11-Sts. Tiburtius & Susanna; 12-St. Claire; 14-St. Eusebius 15-ASSUMPTION OF THE B.V.M.; 16-St. Joachim, Father of the BVM; 17-St. Hyacinth; 18-St. Agapitus; 19-St. John Eudes; 21-St. Jane Frances de Chantal; 22-IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY & St. Timothy & Companions; 23-St. Philip Benizi; 24-St. Bartholomew, APOSTLE; 25-St. Louis IX; 26-St. Zephyrinus; 28-St. Augustine of Hippo; 29-St. Sabina & Beheading of John the Baptist; 30-Sts. Rose of Lima, Felix, & Adauctus; 31-St. Raymond Nonnatus.

Do you have questions or comments about the Prison Oblate Program?? Write to:? Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB, Director of Prison Oblates, St. Benedict’s Abbey, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS.? 66002.? Share this newsletter with a friend, prayer partner, or fellow parishioner, wherever you may be located.? If you wish to contribute financially to this ministry, make your check or money order payable to: Oblates In Prison and mail it to Fr. Matthew at the address above.? For those of you who already contribute, THANK YOU!? We cannot do this without you.


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