AUDO Weekly Series No.1: World New Order and the Birth of AUDO  亚元周评系列之一:世界新秩序与亚元的诞生

AUDO Weekly Series No.1: World New Order and the Birth of AUDO 亚元周评系列之一:世界新秩序与亚元的诞生

The world and regional economies have been in slow-GDP-growing, or stagnant mode, or even worse as negative-GDP-growing over the years. Every country and every organization have been trying to find out the real causes and better solutions, such as World Economic Forum 2016 in Davos, G20 Summit 2016 in China, G7 Summit 2016 in Japan, and millions of posts and comments on many social media Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin etc. in 24/7/365 manner. Since May 2015, we Sinostan Thinkingtank have also contributed over two dozens of posts and hundreds of comments and updates on these related topics ( ). After one year of surfing on Linkedin, now we will write more reviews as AUDO Weekly Series, and the very first post for the series is to outline our Sinostan Thinkingtank vision and hope for world new order, peace, and prosperity.

As the title picture (illustrated by Bryan Christie) indicated, many experts have explored the "world new order", and we have proposed many times that the geo-economic bank era for the world geo-economic new order would be a better solution to current stagnant economy around the world.

To further look into the framework or grouped structure of world new order, we do research on the hundreds of dynasties in thousands of years of human beings civilization on the Earth as good reference to rethink the rise and fall of superpowers. The comprehensive geopolitical and geo-economic situation in the current world can be grouped as

10 (USA), 6(CHINA), 4(EU), 3(RUSSIA), 2(JAPAN), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ......

which is a febrile, agitated state and may slip into the unstable state such as regional economic collapsing and geopolitical conflict intensifying as many experts and institutions have been warning in recent years in particular recent months.

Most country governments and elites in the world may be busy in evaluating tens of possible future geopolitical and geo-economic scenarios in regions and the whole world, and hope to identify and refine a stable and long-last solution for the world new order, peace, and prosperity. China and other geo-economic destiny communities, in particular, may also evaluate and seek appropriate roles and positions in such a global solution package. We Sinostan Thinkingtank have studied over the years and now foresee such a near-future situation grouped as

9(USA PLUS or North America),  9(CHINA PLUS),  6(EU), 6(RUSSIA PLUS),  6(GREATER ASIA, or we name it as AUDO ZONE INTERCONTINENTAL),  3(AFRICA),  3(SOUTH AMERICA),  3(OCEANIA),  1,  1,  1,  ......

This version of world new order includes the USA-CHINA G2 double core model(you may interpret that as Yin-and-Yang in Chinese philosophy), the three balanced major geo-economic destiny unions across Asia and Europe, and a few more geo-economic destiny unions in other continents. We thinkingtank predict that in next fifty to one hundred year period, the above global new order or its variations would be the most possible world human beings society evolving trend and norm.

Among others, GCC and OPEC (and even The Arabic League) are being merged into the Greater Asia (AUDO ZONE INTERCONTINENTAL, now account for over 50% of world GDP bases and GDP growth in 2015-2016) and may emerge as the leader force for the regional and world peace and prosperity.

China Rise through last four decades has been a POSITIVE ENERGY to the world peace and prosperity, but the active and passive reactions from the world result in some entropy or disorders to the closed Earth Village system; The five macro financial imbalances in the current world economy (as our previous post pointed out) are deteriorating, partially reflected by the BREXIT and massive refugee waves in Europe, by Bank of Japan negative interest rate, and by 2016 US presidential candidate speeches; Energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies has been pushing OPEC doctrine changed from

the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

to new definitions and missions like

Oil Producer Equity Consortium

Organization of Persistent Energy Conversion

Organization of Planet Energy Civilization

To meet the above challenges, the AUDO Economic System (AUDOCB, AUDOFUND, AUDOBOND, AUDO RESERVES BUREAU, and AUDO ZONE INTERCONTINENTAL, etc.) as the core value to transform the Greater Asia as a new geo-economic destiny community/union has been recognized, sponsored, and endorsed widely in all continents. For more information, please refer to the upcoming AUDO Conference to be announced by GCC soon.

Disclaimer: This is just some research and initiative from Sinostan Thinkingtank without any political background or positioning. Your comment and advice are welcome.

gerald deepen

ceo at gerald deep oil/gas

8 年

it's fantastic Dr chen,

Dr. Quincy Chen

Managing Director for PetroOverseas Group; Co-founder of Sinostan Consortium & Thinkingtank;Founder of AUDO. 天行健,洲际亚元铸金瓯

8 年

If any politically-correct guided moves to make fossil fuel and alternative energies as rival but not complementing each other in a harmony transition period (decades long, not years long), then real energy crisis is coming. We are all witnessing so now and next few decades.

Dr. Quincy Chen

Managing Director for PetroOverseas Group; Co-founder of Sinostan Consortium & Thinkingtank;Founder of AUDO. 天行健,洲际亚元铸金瓯

8 年

对于 “中美非常态下的合作之难” 一文,我们的评论为:对于中美大国的合作与博弈,我们系列专文里提出了个 “G2ERA" 地缘政治经济动态平衡格局的趋势判断,其内涵有五重关联的合作与博弈。

Dr. Quincy Chen

Managing Director for PetroOverseas Group; Co-founder of Sinostan Consortium & Thinkingtank;Founder of AUDO. 天行健,洲际亚元铸金瓯

8 年

关于 “文明冲突并非人类宿命” 一文,我们的评论为:人类文明正处于从国体文明向地缘经济利益公同体文明过渡时期中,和而不同,和平共处。和而生利。和谐共赢。

Dr. Quincy Chen

Managing Director for PetroOverseas Group; Co-founder of Sinostan Consortium & Thinkingtank;Founder of AUDO. 天行健,洲际亚元铸金瓯

8 年

对于 “全球钢铁业的中国因素” 一文,我们评论为:就钢铁行业而言,中国其实是主权国家的形式与区域共同体的本质内容的结合体,其它任何单独主权国家的钢铁业实力远远无法比拟或者竞争。自然,欧盟27个 主权国家的各自钢铁炼厂,应该按照市场,产业,资源配置等为生存为发展而改革成为欧洲大陆区域钢铁业共同体,才会是比较好的出路。



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