CIPFA LASAAC scraps plans | The divorce of banks and local authorities | Borrowing review?

CIPFA LASAAC scraps plans | The divorce of banks and local authorities | Borrowing review?

News CIPFA LASAAC scraps proposed changes to reporting requirements highlighting audit backstop uncertainty

Cash management: the great divorce of banks and local authorities

DCN calls for borrowing regime review and ‘preferential’ rates

Municipal Missions Manifesto

LGiU’s Greg Stride: resetting the central-local relationship

Live and online Private Markets Profile Summer issue

Roundtable Investing in agriculture – farmland opportunities

Events LATIF & FDs Summit 19 September AGENDA | SPONSORS | REGISTER

Join the biggest conference of treasury managers and s151 officers in the UK

Net Zero Investor Annual Conference 24 October AGENDA | SPONSORS | REGISTER

A chance for LGPS pension investors to gauge their journeys to net zero and meet investors from across the asset owner community.

Partner Unlocking cost-efficient financing for UK local authorities

How can LGPS investors take advantage of the growing private debt secondary market?

Bank Risk Sharing: A resilient high-income solution for LGPS funds

LGPS Border to Coast’s Mark Lyon on putting Opportunity strategies to work

Wiltshire invests in energy transition stocks |

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