Audiologists: What Upgrades Are You Making This Year?

Audiologists: What Upgrades Are You Making This Year?

??????If you dig what I'm putting down, please share this post as an audiology changemaker.

Today I'm going to get a bit vulnerable and share something immensely personal.

How many of you feel like January is now all but a distant and faint memory?

What about all those new years resolutions you made, and the amazing annual planning sessions you had for your practice?

If you are anything like me, you probably need a reminder from time to time about whats important.

As in WHY are we doing all this? Like WHY are you reading this post on your newsfeed right now? WHY did you get into Audiology?

It seems so simple and obvious, yet sometimes these are the things that are so easy to lose sight of in the daily expression of our lives.

Something I'm trying to do more of is share my authentic self, truly and unapologetically.

Last year was one of deep introspection and reflection as I was struggling with figuring out where I wanted to invest my time and energies, and where I could make the most impact.

In short, finding my own "Why?".

I had been deeply ingrained in running the practice at Quincy Hearing, and while that work was satisfying, I felt called to share my particular talents on a broader scale.

At the end of the day I'm a technology geek and a marketing systems expert.

I wanted to apply these skills in a way that was aligned with what Janice & I have co-created at Quincy Hearing, but that also would allow me to support other great practitioners in bringing their best self to work everyday and to expand their reach and impact.

Hearing Experts Alliance has been part of that vision.

So here are a few of the things I believe to be true:

? I believe in the Audiology private practice.

? I believe we all do important good work.

? I believe that together we can be so much more.

? I believe the future is bright.

? I also believe that no external force is going to save the independent private practice from obsolescence and that it's the owner's duty to stay relevant and share their practice message with the world.

Now for something a bit more controversial:

We all know the difference we make in the lives of the patients we serve, but in the end that's not going to be enough if we don't stand up and learn how to be self-sufficient and wean ourselves off off the gravy train that has existed for so long through ties with manufacturers.

Now don't get me wrong - manufacturers are important, as is having a positive relationship with them. It's just equally important to maintain autonomy and understand that at the end of the day you and you alone are responsible for your own successes and failures, and that of your patients.

And I also know theres not always a simple clear-cut answer on how to best approach this in a world of high competitive threat and third-party pressure.

I'm definitely not claiming to have all the answers.

But I do think together we can figure it out, and it doesn't have to look like a buying group (again not a bad thing, but not how HEA is looking to serve).

I'd like to help raise the vibration around this conversation and help support Audiology Changemakers in creating a brighter future for their family, their business, and the communities 

we collectively serve.

We have to come up with creative solutions to hard problems while staying clear of the gloom and doom conversation track.

To circle back around to the beginning of my story, last November I went on retreat, and was led through a process of full-life integration. I created a Lens Statement for myself that I use to guide me every day in my thoughts and actions.

I'd like to share it with you here today so you can know who this "Philip R. Powis" guy is that keeps showing up on LinkedIn :)

Again, if this resonates, lets find a meaningful way to connect. If not, well then thats OK too :)

?? I am finding FAITH as I go deeper in my SPIRITUALITY and let go of fear. I leverage my inner STRENGTH and COURAGE to allow my CREATIVITY to flow, aligning my talents with what is in best service to the world

?? I take time daily to practice GRATITUDE for this life, finding JOY in small moments. I am DISCIPLINED and AMBITIOUS in work, yet practice DETACHMENT to specific outcomes beyond my control.

?? I am growing STRONGER and HEALTHIER every day as I learn to LOVE myself and others fully.

If you dig what I'm putting down, and have stayed quietly in the background until now, it's time to raise your hand.

Simply share this post to let me know you are committed to being an audiology changemaker.

I'll share a few of the things we have planned for the remainder of 2018 and where we are headed.

With Gratitude,

Philip R. Powis

P.S. - Know someone who should be a part of the conversation or might be interested in joining us at the Changemakers Retreat in 2019?

I'd be honored if you would make the introduction by sharing this post :)


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