??Audio Modulated Procedural Animation (Part 1)
?? Dawn of the Free Form Programmable Signal Processing shines upon all of you!?
?? What was once for the elites in higher education institutions now is available for anyone who is willing to invest reasonable amounts of time
?? Imaginative new animations become possible thanks to audio signal modulation of the animations
??Don’t have any ideas for animated production? Despair not! Simply use the Free Form Programming Language and pull together an animated production unique style of all your own!
Click on the image to view the video
???? What
Audio Modulation: some attributes of an Audio signal could be used to drive changes to a 3D dynamical system e.g. animated character or 3D objects with transforms and skinned-meshes.
Procedural Animation: using software and algorithms to animate an object otherwise static.?
?? Why
?? Kids, youths and adults around the globe DJ video teasers from all kinds of existing productions, in particular the Japanese anime releases, and place their own native music and attempt to create a new production that is perceived as their own. This phenomenon has been observed in TikTok for many years and shall gain strength and continue into the future as forms of expressions and forms of arts.
Click on the image to view the video
?? CCN Studios sees a fertile opportunity for a) educating the masses of youths with its accessible cloud technologies while b) they are empowered to produce unique and innovative media in place of using the second hand teasers of other rich people’s studios.?
?? How
???? Free For Programming Language is imbued with production technologies that are custom architected for the sole utility of such production applications the likes of Audio Modulate Animations.?
?? To enquire about the Free Form Programming Language and CCN’s certified training including Unity certification please contact [email protected]
??Digital signal processing (DSP) is the use of digital processing, such as by computers or more specialized digital signal processors, to perform a wide variety of signal processing operations. The digital signals processed in this manner are a sequence of numbers that represent samples of a continuous variable in a domain such as time, space, or frequency.
??? Etude
audioSource.GetSpectrumData(samples, 0, FFTWindow.Blackman);
csharptxt = "
//audioAgent contains the bars frequency values
angle = audioAgent.GetFrequencyBand(0) * Time.deltaTime;
//rotate the mug by simply calling the game object's Rotate ()
//scale the frequency any which way and pass as angle
gameObject.transform.Rotate(0f,0f, 20f*angle,Space.Self);
Input Devices
??? Frequency Maps to Animations
The purpose of this sample project is for the Free Form programmers to first understand the concept behind the signal decomposition into frequency-amplitude domain.And do so audio visually and first and foremost learn how to use the signal processing in an application. For those with more experience and commitment then work the algebra of the signals.?
Follow the videos below, read the captions, relate the Frequency bars to the transformations in the scene.
Click on the image to view the video
??Mid frequency range of a low pitched piano key:
Click on the image to view the video
??Low frequency range of a Bass:
Click on the image to view the video
Click on the image to view the video
Click on the image to view the video