Audio Data Waveform
Definition of audio (sound): Sound is a form of energy that is produced by vibrations of an object, like a change in the air pressure, due to which a sound is produced. This change in pressure causes air molecules to oscillate.
Mechanical wave: Oscillates the travel through space; Energy is required from one point to another point; Medium is required.
When we get sound data which is produced by any source, our brain processes this data and gathers some information. The sound data can be a properly structured format and our brain can understand the pattern of each word corresponding to it, and make or encode the textual understandable data into waveform. From that wave, numerical data is gathered in the form of frequency.
Sound data in various form:
The waveform carries
Amplitude: Amplitude is defined as distance from max and min distance. In the above equation amplitude is represented as A.
Wavelength: Wavelength is defined as the total distance covered by a particle in one time period.
Phase: Phase is defined as the location of the wave from an equilibrium point as time t=0.
Now we will look at some important terms like intensity, loudness, and timbre.
This is also called sound intensity or loudness.
Intensity is measured by various scales.
Where I1 and I2 are two intensity levels.
Timbre describes the quality of sound. Like we see in a heatmap, there are different? colors for different magnitudes of values. If we have different-different sounds in one file then timbre will easily analyze all the sound on a graphical plot on the basis of the library.