Audience Building

Audience Building

How do I grow my audience?

How do I reach more people?

How do I get engagement?

How do I grow my email list?

How do I grow my Facebook group?

How do I talk to more people?

One of the BIGGEST challenges my clients face is audience growth. They’re constantly wondering how to bring more people into their circle of influence, giving them more credibility, more people to sell to, and more opportunities to grow their business.

While I will admit it took me a little while to figure this part out – I felt like the few tips I’ve been putting in play in my business could help YOU get started on reaching more people today.

Disclaimer: My audience is not huge, I know that. But, my audience has grown A LOT since January 1, by deploying these tactics.

Invite People In

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The number one way to grow your audience is to invite people in.

Seriously. Aside from Facebook ads (which we’ll talk about later) – the number one biggest way I’ve grown my audience is by simply inviting people in.

When I am connecting with new people online, be it on Facebook or LinkedIn (even Instagram) – my goal is to invite them to my Facebook group. That’s the “bottom of the funnel,” so to speak. Yours might be an opt-in to your email list, following you on social, inviting them to a challenge, or a meeting. It will be different for everyone.

On LinkedIn, I find I can be more direct by letting people know I have a Facebook group, what value they get from being a part of it, and that I’d love for them to be a part of it.

On Facebook, if I’m in someone else’s FB group answering questions and providing value, I will let the person who I am talking to know that I have a FB group and that I’d be happy to DM them the link if they’d like to join. This way, I’m not breaking any rules in someone else’s FB group.

On Instagram (which I don’t use a ton) – I use stories to talk about the amazing things happening in the Facebook group. I promote the free trainings we do, the different conversations we’re having, and the awesome women connecting and growing inside the group.

Finally, my invitation to my Facebook group is in my email signature. I use it as a P.S. in pretty much all of my email content. It’s all the call to action on my landing pages when someone opts into my email list. Finally, there’s a link for inside my freebies, too.

Regardless of where you interact with me, I am inviting you into my Facebook group – which is where I spend most of my time serving my audience.

Make It Easy

When I’m networking in a Facebook group, receive a new FB friend request, or connect with someone new on LinkedIn – I like to check out their pages and profiles to learn more about them. The number of times I’m unable to figure out what the person does is surprisingly high.

I know you’re not supposed to use your personal FB profile for business, BUT, if you’re connecting with people via your personal Facebook page, they should be able to tell what you do, if you have a business. On my profile, it’s part of my bio and there is a link to my Facebook group. It’s easy to tell what kind of business I have and who I work with.

That way, if someone is interested in what I do, it’s easy to for them to figure out how to connect with me!

On LinkedIn, it seems as if we’ve gotten really big into fancy, fun titles that aren’t really clear on what you actually do. This is a professional networking site! Be as clear as you can about who you work with, the problem you solve for them, and HOW they can connect with you.

I have my link to my Facebook group and a link to a freebie on my LinkedIn profile. It’s EASY to figure out what to do next.

Connect with More People

The more people that you connect with – the more people that connect with you. My goal is to add 10 new people to my network every day on LinkedIn (I’m more successful some days than others). But, I find the more people I add to my network, the more requests that I get to join my network. Not sure if that’s an algorithm thing, but that’s how it seems to work.

On Facebook, the more people I interact with in Facebook groups, the more groups I join, the more pages I like, the more people that will come check out my content, download a freebie, or join the Facebook group.

I see this like I do most things – provide value before you ask. Show interest. Comment on other people’s stuff. Read their content. Hit the like button when you’re scrolling by.

On Instagram – the #1 way to grow your audience is to go out and like and comment on other people’s stuff. Follow people. Interact. Provide value. They will come back and follow you and interact with your content.

The more people you connect with AND the more value you provide – the more people will connect with you.

Facebook Ads

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention ads as part of this strategy. I have a FB ads specialist I work with to grow my email list. After they download the free PDF, the landing page gives them a link to the FB group.

It’s simple, it’s easy, it’s effective.

Facebook Groups

I know, I know – if one more person tells you to hang out in FB groups to connect with new people, you might throw something.

Sorry, friend, but it’s true. If your ideal client is in Facebook groups – YOU need to be in Facebook groups.

First of all, it’s a great way to get visible. Answer questions. Provide value. Post valuable content. Use the Promo Days to share your free stuff.

The more often someone sees you – the more interested in they become. Remember – you’re building the know, like, trust factor.

Facebook groups ARE NOT a place to sell. I’m going to say it again.

Facebook Groups ARE NOT a place to sell.

Facebook groups are a place to network. Use the guideline of how you would connect with someone at a networking event. Say hello. Ask questions. Provide value. THEN, if it makes sense, invite them into your world (whatever that looks like for you).

You can also start to establish credibility inside Facebook groups. If you’re offering really insightful, thoughtful advice to people – eventually other people will want to know more about you. Who is this girl?! She’s really on it! I love her advice.

Then, they go to your profile or page – and because you’ve made it EASY for them to connect with you – they download your freebie, join your Facebook group, like your page, connect with you on LinkedIn, etc.


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Even if you have an online based business – connecting in person ups the know, like, trust factor BIG TIME. It’s easier to connect in person. It’s easier to establish credibility. It’s easy to position yourself as an expert and show more of your personality.

Finally, growing a network and connecting with like-minded people are two of the most valuable things you can do for your business and for yourself.

I know, sometimes it sounds oversimplified when someone puts together a list like this. But, this is 100% how I’ve grown my Facebook group by around 300 people since January. I’ve also added about 400 people to my email list. All with a combination of these things. I’ve launched my first group coaching program with these tactics. I’ve launched my four-week sales foundation course using these tactics. I got my first B2B project using these tactics.

Get out there – invite people in, make it easy for them to connect with you, connect with more people, continually provide value and GROW YOUR NETWORK – and your business will grow!



Ryann Gillen, MBA的更多文章

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