Audacious Promise
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Epictetus said "First tell yourself what kind of person you want to be, then do what you have to do." Now, that is a meaningful Promise to keep. This is an article concerned with thoughts on digging into the idea of making an Audacious Promise.... for ourselves, and others.
The Idea of a Promise
Honoring our Commitment, staying true to what and who matters most (and our Just Cause) practicing Loyalty to same, and working through trails, trials and triumphs alike ... walking and even rocking our talk... this is the broader and deeper sense of meaning of Fidelity in practice.
Thusly, a Promise unkept was never a true Promise. That in mind and heart, we have all "broken our promises" but I suggest that the issue often times is that we do not adequately nor appropriately discern, decide and devote on what would be a true Promise in the first place. Far too often, we Promise what we will not truly keep... because we did not truly discern, decide and devote. Those are not Promises, but wishful thinking. All of that is to say that I believe and contend that Epictetus is speaking to the need to claim, aim and sustain on a Promise of meaning; the only true Promise. On that, I would like to dig ever deeper...
Just yesterday, I posted a Virtues Pick on Audacity. When we hear someone say "Of all the Audacity"... it is not necessarily the true meaning of the Virtue. The Virtue that is Audacity is not about being overwhelming nor too much nor rude nor "in your face". It is about being you... your best sense of personhood... and Integrity, in action.
So, Audacity is fertile ground to make and keep our true Promise/s. If the Promise is true to who we are, then the keeping will be too.
That noted, I now suggest that a good and true Promise has 4 stout Legs, if you will, especially with the above thought of Epictetus in mind and heart. If we are to first tell ourselves what kind of person we want to be, then I suggest that there are 4 core components or pillars to that description of ourselves. Indeed, in drawing that Virtues Pick and then going for my longest and most intense workout yet... I peeled away another layer on Audacity... the 4 Legs of an Audacious Promise.
... is a Leg... and about being true to Caring about ourselves, our way...
... and I am ever learning what that looks like in SLOWER Living and food choices and exercise in my FOXhole Gym. This Leg is about knowing my own ideal sense of Health and Strength ... to support and sustain (and be an integral part of) my Audacious Promise. In my case, that Health and Strength is defined as 100 kilos, lean, strong and healthy... Boxer and Dancer shape. I am determined to get back there. That is audacious.
... is another Leg... practicing my Faith humbly ...
... and studying Stoicism with a bold learning mentality.
This Leg is about trusting in my very own genuine Faith journey and being true to sharpening the blades on a well earned and lived Faith in my own practice of Character and consciously chosen Code ...
... and in context. It is also grounded in the thoughts of Rumi when he said,
I am walking that kind of Faith.... and that is audacious.
... is focusing on what I do most well and for whom I most want to do it.
As I enter into my final 2 months of full time teaching and imagine and build a new path of Service... Audacity looks like knowing what is important and possible ... and pursuing same. Ever exploring my own best sense of action, habit and Purpose. I do and am. And, that is audacious.
... is knowing who and what is most important to us and boldly loving them. It is Adoration, in practice ...
... adoring who and what we adore... all in. It is not forced but natural at varying moments not unlike a trickle, stream, river, pond, lake, rapids, falls or ocean. It is coolly composed and confident. All with Grace. I am. I will. That is audacious.
For me... these 4 Legs look like a Promise to myself that I will live my Faith, Health, Service and Love and see where that takes me. More specifically, it means I will:
In matters of Health, Faith, Service and Love... what might Audacity look like in practice for you?
Baha'u'llah said that we need to be a "preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge". As a child, I created a "language" of an imagined noble warrior caste. Their belief was in "Tu'uk Ma'ah" which meant "Honor Love"... the Sacred or sanctified blending of the Two... the Thunder and Lighting of Soulful Living. Part of the grounding of my Promise is to bring such a Spirit to my Promise of Faith, Health, Service and Love... to be the best Boy inside the Man that I can be. More succinctly put, my Audacious Promise will be grounded and founded in the Spirit of Tu'uk Ma'ah. I will Honor and Love and sanctify this Promise.
Epictetus said that we should tell ourselves who we want to BE and then DO what is necessary. In Getting Inspired, I offered up an idea around identifying who you admire and I humbly recommend the read and reflect. I truly do.
Yes, Epictetus said "First tell yourself what kind of person you want to be, then do what you have to do." Indeed, in It Ain't a Secret, I stated that...
I want to be that strong and healthy Stoic Baha'i doing the work and Service above that calls to my Soul and being the Boy inside the Man who fiercely Honors and Loves those who matter most to me.
My Own Audacious Promise
I offer up that an Audacious Promise is made to oneself, and in Service of others. For me, personally and professionally...
Let me be the preserver of the sanctity of my pledge. The sense and power of NOW is the the space of the DOing; one brick at a time... preserving that sanctity. Ultimately, I know who and what inspires me... but to be inspired means to take action. The Audacious Promise is the Commitment to action.
For Us All: Taking Action
Look around you. Name and claim the "people" and their strengths which you admire and towards which you aspire. Ponder on how those strengths play into telling yourself what kind of person you want to be. Then do what you have to do. If you are in a space of noble reset... if you are exploring Purpose... dig into this notion of an Audacious Promise to yourself and be that preserver of the sanctity of your own pledge.
Indeed, remember the words of Epictetus... "First tell yourself what kind of person you want to be, then do what you have to do." Epictetus also described the chief task in life as being concerned with Understanding that over which we have no control and that over which we do... and focusing on the latter over the former. Discern, decide and define your 4 Legs of Health, Faith, Service and Love.... and make your Audacious Promise... and keep it. That is within our control. Let the DOing unfold.
Peace, Justice and Unity...
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