Attraction vs. Promotion – A New Business Paradigm
Gary C. Cooper
Chairman of Palmetto Infusion | CEO & Founder of The Carolus Company | Investing in human and business potential
No matter what era we are in, there is one thing that always rings true in business – people need to be placed at the center of it in order to achieve success. One issue with the way leaders run their companies nowadays is that they tend to position themselves at the forefront. Too often I find that CEOs spend a lot of time on promotion and self-centrism and lose their focus on the customers and audiences they are selling to. When the ego of a leader comes in the way of business practices, it can often have the opposite reaction from the public and investors than they initially hoped for. Luckily, there are several ways to avoid this issue and adhere to a new business paradigm.?
This situation reminds me of what Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” While it can be nice to earn fame, fortune, or recognition through your individual accomplishments, it is even sweeter to share that success with others. Some studies even back up the theory that being generous improves your mental health, and I couldn’t agree more. It is important for leaders to acknowledge and appreciate the dedication and sacrifices their team makes for everyday operations to run effectively. By showcasing your team, representing your clients, and instilling community values and kindness into your company, the rewards and benefits will be priceless.?
The People Business?
A key aspect of building a solid business is investing in great people that can also be the face of it! Assembling an intelligent, committed, and talented team is a crucial key to overcoming obstacles and reaching goals. Innovative leadership will help the company grow and define an industry, product, or service. Overall, talented individuals help enterprises stand out from the crowd and enhance the mission and vision of any organization. Find people who lead with empathy and they will help create a team-based culture that is committed to bettering our communities.
I believe that creating an empowering and inclusive workspace where everyone’s opinion and ideas count is at the core of the success of any business model. People need to be heard to be productive and I have learned that to create a winning business culture, you need to allow everyone to take part in building the company.?
The Art of Letting Go?
Stepping back and allowing team members to express their views, play around with ideas, and feel they play some part in building the company is the best way to help it grow. Whenever I consider this concept, I always think about how it feels very similar to sending your kids off to college. While it can be difficult to take a hands-off approach to something you care about so deeply, it is a fundamental part of gaining strength, independence, and the capacity to expand. If we held our children’s hand every place they went, we would be doing them a disservice by leaving them no room to blossom, and the same is with managing companies. Leaders should trust their teams to do the job they hired them for, and by adopting this method – the company's future will take care of itself.
Say Goodbye to Ego?
At the end of the day, one of the biggest obstacles that leaders face is themselves. They need to recognize that there is no “I” in “team,” and should be taught to get out of the way (which is easier said than done). David Brooks outlined the importance of building an environment of trust in the workplace and encouraging people to put their best foot forward.
The days of self-promotion are over, it is time for leaders to create atmospheres of integrity and position their business to exceed expectations. Although it is difficult to leave your ego at the door, it is necessary and life-changing. We have entered a new business paradigm, one where those in leadership positions are required to act with humility. Let’s “unsell” ourselves and buy into a different, more inclusive future.