AttractingTalent to Join Startups

AttractingTalent to Join Startups

Incentivising Talent to Join Startups Through Strategic Stock Options

Attracting top talent within a startup can be challenging. With tight budgets, it becomes difficult to attract talent from industry giants with competitive salaries. So how can startups even the playing field??

Fortunately, salary and money is not the only incentive. Founders often don’t start a company incentivised for money alone. Similarly employees within a startup aren’t driven by monetary compensation alone. Thus, other motivators can be utilised to attract talent to join startups. This article explores various examples.

Stock as a Key Incentive

Budget for salaries is limited within startups, therefore, stock options can be powerful levers to use when attracting talent. Convincing potential team members that the stock will indeed be worth something requires finesse in salesmanship. By crafting a compelling narrative and vision that portrays the stock as a gateway to future success, it can become an incentive for candidates.

For those not naturally gifted in sales, creating a comprehensive deck that explains the stock, can be instrumental. The deck should be backed by clear metric goals and tangible data so that any notions of ‘hot air’ are dispelled and it feels real.

Tailoring Roles

Unlike large corporations with rigid role structures, startups have the luxury of flexibility. With a limited team, each individual can gain exposure to diverse aspects of the business, something they wouldn’t be able to do in roles for big organisations. This is a tool startups can utilise to attract talent.

During the hiring process, founders can engage in a discovery call, shaping and designing roles based on individual strengths and aspirations. This open- ended discussion allows for a tailored approach, a stark contrast to established companies that predefine roles before even meeting a candidate. This is a unique value proposition where candidates become integral to the strategic direction and growth of the company.


Startup environments operate at a very different pace to larger corporations. The accelerated speed translates into a wealth of experience for team members in a short period of time. Conveying this to potential hires, that they can have the opportunity to work on a multitude of projects within a shortened time frame can become a valuable asset for startups.

To conclude, startups may not have the same budgets as large corporations, but they can offer other incentives to employees that can be just as attractive. Startup employees have the opportunity to try many roles and have a direct impact on a growing business. Founders and hiring managers can utilise this by being transparent and creative in the hiring process.

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