Attracting Money Into Your Business, God’s Way – Part 1: Giving the Credit to God
To talk about attracting money into our business, we first have to talk about giving.
Why? It’s the natural order of things. To receive fruit from a tree, a farmer must give seed to the soil and toil the land.
It’s the same way in business.
I’ve also experienced that to receive from my clients, I must first give them something of value whether it’s my time, a free resource, or educational information. When I do this, it makes my customer more likely to give me their business.
I’ll admit that I was one of those guys that didn’t take giving seriously. It was a combination of lies that I told myself like, I don’t have enough to offer, I have my bills to pay, and maybe next month I’ll throw a few bucks in.
It wasn’t until I started giving from my business that I realized how stingy and greedy I was. I saw how selfish I had become, and how diametrically opposed my mindset was to the way God wanted me thinking.
What I learned was that God wasn’t interested in my money, but instead, he has commanded me to give so that my heart would never be attached to the money of my business, but instead to serving others.
You see, God wants to be the one to support us on our entrepreneurial journey. Our products and services are meant to support others, not us. God gets the credit for filling our bank account, not our clients. But we can’t come to that understanding without completely disconnecting our minds from the selfishness that money draws out of us.
Listen, tithing and donations are all a touchy subject. It’s touchy because it’s the biggest tool the enemy uses to divide us from God…because money could be the biggest tool God can use in your business to do the most good in the world for His kingdom.
You might be thinking, “But Alex, I can’t even pay for a website, how can I afford to give?”
Listen, you’re not alone. We’re not alone. We entrepreneurs all go through the same issue of not having a stable income. It seems easier for the 9-5 guy to give because he’s only got to give from his account, and he can easily calculate the amount and have it automatically deducted.
Us entrepreneurs sometimes don’t have that luxury, especially when the credit card company would like to get their payment…FIRST.
Maybe you do have it all together in your finances and you’re a regular giver at your church, but you want to learn how God wants you to steward your money in your business so you can attract more of it in.
The lesson is the same for both the giver and inconsistent giver: If you want to attract more, you must give more.
Now wait, before you send your guilty tithe into your church, you have to understand the types of giving there are and some commandments on giving. In my studying to prepare for this touchy subject, I too learned the Bible explains four types of giving that we, including our businesses, can offer directly related to our finance departments: alms, first fruits, offering and the tithe.
Each type of giving we do has a return to yourself and our businesses. The commandments for each are important to understanding because these are non-negotiables, especially the tithe and first-fruits.
When we really understand these, then our mindsets will be ready to attract more because, in the end, if you want more, you must give more.
The ROI of Tithing to Your Church
Tithing (giving of 10% to your church) shows God your obedience and that your money isn’t really yours, you’re simply managing it for Him while you’re here. He takes the 90% you keep and blesses that to do more than the 100% would have.
The bible says
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (Malachi 3:10 NIV)
The way I see it, tithing is a weekly reminder that the money my business produces is not mine and that I need to be careful I how I manage it (budgeting) and what I spend the rest on (financing). And since tithing is what supports the church and its growth, my tithing encourages me to go out and get more business so I can bring more to the church (investment).
Grow an Area of Your Business with an Offering
While tithing helps you in your budgeting and financing departments, offerings cover sales and marketing. Let me explain the way I see it.
We come out with products and services. We work hard to research, develop and market them. God opening rewards those efforts of your business when you give offerings.
Giving an offering is us recognizing a specific thing in our business is totally out of our control and in God’s hands, and it implies, whatever resource is sown-the giver shall see a return of 30, 60, or 100-fold.
When we entrepreneurs participate in an offering, we must have something we’re asking God to reward; a new partnership, a new marketing campaign, or a big proposal you pitched. Giving is a spiritual act but it translates to the natural through the demand for your efforts.
The bible says
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV)
By giving an offering, you are purposing your money to a specific thing and so you give with a cheerful heart. This is setting up your mindset for victory and receiving abundantly from that act. Your mind and heart are ready for the success of that business move you’re asking for blessings over.
So, tithing is an act of obedience and offering is an act of letting go and letting God. We must know the difference because it directly affects all of the cash flow in our businesses.
What First Fruits Can Your Business Bring to the Table?
Imagine you’re a farmer. You’ve invested all the money and time in hopes of a good crop so that you can go and sell it, make your money back and some profit as well.
Since you’ve invested all you got into the crop, you’re probably very excited when the first fruits come out because you get to go and sell it and start paying some bills, maybe take your spouse out for dinner from all the hard work you’ve just put in.
Not so fast!
The bible says
Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. (Proverbs 3:9?-?10 NIV)
God is asking the farmer to bring the first part of his crops to the church, not sell it at the market right away. Why? It’s another mindset training.
When we entrepreneurs give our first fruits, we’re training out the selfishness and ungratefulness that is holding us back from receiving all that God has for us. We’re demonstrating to God that we’re so grateful for what he’s done, how far God has brought us, and where he’s taking our business.
Ok, so you’re not a farmer, you’re a web development company, for example. Here are first fruit offerings you can make
- You develop software and finally release it in the marketplace. The first sale is the first fruit.
- You take the first sales of the year and give it as first fruits to thank God for last year. This prepares your business to be blessed for the entire year.
- You launch a new product or service. The first sale is the first fruit.
- You start a new business partnership. The first sale is the first fruit.
It should be a celebration! You should do it with joy and thanksgiving for what God has provided and one step closer to your own Promised land.
How much is a first fruit? How many fruits do we give? Good question. You can offer the first sales, the first week of sales, or some other measure that feels right for you. The important thing is to feel the celebration.
So, tithing works on your obedience mindset. Offerings works on your letting go mindset. In giving firstfruits; it is a measure of faith and heart.
Giving of Alms to Charity through Your Business
We’re called to be compassionate and good humans here on earth.
The bible says
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord , and he will reward them for what they have done. (Proverbs 19:17 NIV)
I do medical missions every year through my charity, Jose’s Hands. This is me and my family’s efforts to give to the poor and underserved in other countries.
I and my staff give in money and volunteer time, and expect nothing in return, and allowing God to become the repayment plan.
I pray this teaching blesses you and your business.
Imagine a marketplace full of cheerful givers in all areas of giving; alms, first fruits, offerings, and tithing. What kind of abundance would be flowing through our businesses if we reprogrammed our minds to this money mindset instead of the one culture has us wrapped around?
- Attracting Money Into Your Business, God’s Way – Part 1: Giving the Credit to God
- Attracting Money Into Your Business, God’s Way – Part 2: No Credit, No Problem
- Attracting Money Into Your Business, God’s Way – Part 3: Help a Million to Make a Million
- Attracting Money Into Your Business, God’s Way: Part 4 – Your Attitude Can Be Keeping You From More
Just Awesome
Business Development Manager - Mainline Marketing
6 年Beautiful message my friend.? God is good!