Attracting a High Value Woman
Ron Nelson
I help high performing men optimize their mind, body, spirit, & careers using martial arts based holistic performance systems. |Holistic Performance Coach | Personal Trainer | Martial Artist | Journey to 1000 legends.
Greetings, King,
An integral aspect of building a legacy is having a legendary family unit, and one of the main components of a legendary family is marrying a high-value woman. Now, saying that is all good, but execution is a major issue for men.
Over the years, while interacting with men of varying socio-economic statuses, I've noticed they lack the skill sets to effectively select and marry women of value. From the CEO of a conglomerate to the sanitation engineer, men lack the competence to attract a woman of such a high standard.
Before becoming competent in attracting a high value woman, you need to have an idea of what a high value woman is and what to look for.
What Is a High Value Woman From a Man’s Perspective?
Social media and the wider internet offer varying viewpoints on what a high-value woman is from different groups.
The feminist's definition of a high-value woman is one who possesses high-level credentials such as Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees, owns cars, property, and earns a six- to seven-figure yearly income in an executive position or as an entrepreneur. While having career-driven accomplishments is amazing, there are long-term social and romantic disadvantages to this definition.
The manosphere/red pill community's definition of a high-value woman is one who is physically attractive, doesn’t question them, agrees with everything they say, and allows them to have multiple women outside of the relationship. In this case as well, there are long-term disadvantages to this definition.
My definition is very different and is based on experiences from over 10 years of dating and interacting with women in multiple countries. To me, a high-value woman is one who:
Their career doesn’t dictate how they show up in social settings; they are feminine in the way they speak and interact with the world. They are agreeable, value family, and are respectful to everyone they meet.
Notice in my definition, there was no mention of catering to a man or submitting to a man or any of the other things people spew on the internet. The reason for this is because when a man has mastered himself, and thus his life, a high-value woman by nature will gravitate toward him. She will not do it for a man who doesn’t deserve it.
Becoming the Man That Attracts a High Value Woman
The man who can effortlessly attract, keep and elevate a high-value woman has mastered particular aspects of himself that radiate into the world in such a way that people feel gravitated toward them.
To become a man who can attract a high-value women, you must commit to these 4 things:
Reclaim Your Mind
We live in a highly technological era of society, and we’re now more connected than we’ve ever been. But this connectedness has brought with it a lot of distraction and disconnection to reality. Prior to the introduction and eventual necessity of cellular phones, you only had yourself, your mind, and your social circle to interact with. This gave you some semblance of control in your life. You were able to be aware of who you were as an individual. After discovering the self, you were then able to chart a course for your life.
Now, with cell phones and social media, you’ve unconsciously lost control of your life. Even the most successful professionals have some sort of dependence on their cell phone. So how do you reclaim and master your mind in a world of distractions?
To reclaim your mind, you must first become conscious of the distractions in your life and how they have affected you. You must allocate time to disconnect yourself from technology and reconnect with the self. Turn off your computer, put your phone on “do not disturb,” and sit silently with yourself. This is the most basic form of meditation, but it is also the most difficult, as you’ve probably never truly listened to your thoughts before. But you need to raise your awareness of who you currently are.
You must also see who you are without being defensive. Do not make excuses for the flaws or self-destructive habits you may have. It is you who have brought these habits into your life.?
As a martial artist, I had to deal with these things when I first began as a student of Capoeira. My teacher showed me how to reveal myself to myself, and it was difficult, but it was necessary.?
Discovering who I was at my worst gave me a starting point to determine an ideal version of myself to strive toward. This is what you must do. Honestly determine who you are currently so you can determine the man you want to become.
Now you may be asking, “What does this have to do with attracting a high-value woman? A lot, because what you are doing is grounding yourself. You are killing your ego and leading with humility but also with a quiet confidence in who you are and where you’re going. This quiet confidence is admired by high-value women.
Rebuild Your Body
In harsher times, men having a strong, healthy body was non-negotiable. A man and his family’s very survival were hinged on his physical capabilities. But we live in more relaxed times now, so men don’t find it necessary to be physically fit and healthy once they are financially successful.
However, the memories of those harsh times and therefore the physical capabilities of men have been ingrained in every subsequent generation of women. They can’t explain it, but they will always choose the physically fit man over the physically unfit man with all other things being equal.
Given this fact, you should understand that with all else being equal, the highest value women will choose the men with the best physique and posture. So, the first step to making this change is shifting the mindset and having the appropriate reason for the shift.
Here’s the trick. The reason should never be attracting the woman you want. Otherwise, it will just be a means to an end and not a lifestyle. Marriage isn’t a seasonal hobby; it is a lifetime commitment.?
Therefore, everything you do should mirror that commitment. Get physically fit to pass on favourable traits to your future children, to improve your chances of a long healthy life, to increase your energy levels on a day-to-day basis, or to improve mental clarity. Whatever reason you choose, just remember that the motivation must be intrinsic as it will be more meaningful.
Quicken The Spirit
There are some things about reality that can’t be explained, and I’ve realized that there is something that is greater than myself that I can’t see. Before acknowledging the importance of a spiritual practice, my life was very chaotic. I went in and out of romantic relationships that weren’t good for me. Academically, I was a failure. My choice of friends wasn’t great either, and adding the loss of a parent and a best friend made things much worse.?
I eventually began exploring spirituality and its role in the human psyche, and my eyes were opened to how important it truly is. Since then, my spiritual practice has become non-negotiable in my life. I’ll share what I do daily as it helps me feel grounded and keeps me humble. At the same time, it allows me to show up in the world with quiet confidence.
Upon waking up, I pray. Padre Pio, the Roman Catholic monk once said, “Prayer is the oxygen for the soul.” To me, prayer is you speaking to God.
Immediately after prayer, I meditate. The opposite of prayer, meditation is you listening to God.
After I meditate, I go outside, and I sunbathe usually between 6:30 and 7:30 am for 15 – 20 minutes.
The short-term benefit of my spiritual practice is that I feel ready to take on the day because I have now charged my body and my spirit with positive energy. The long-term benefit is a more fulfilled and peaceful life. It also attracts that woman that is in alignment with your choice of a spiritual path. The Bible and other spiritual texts speak about being equally yoked, which is of utmost importance if you intend on living the rest of your life with one person.
Discover Your Purpose
This is the master key that unlocks life for you. Influences over the years caused me to lose sight of what my purpose was. I struggled desperately to figure out what I was put on this planet to do. I eventually figured it out, which is what I do now, helping men live legendary lives.
After discovering my purpose, I came across two books that perfectly discuss the concept of purpose: ‘Start With Why’ by Simon Sinek and ‘Ikigai’ by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. If you haven’t yet found your purpose, these are the books I recommend you read to discover how you should serve the world. However, I will give you the blueprint that was shared in Ikigai so ideas can begin to flow. The book states that Ikigai is the Japanese word for what someone was born to do in life, and it is the intersection of four things:
Whatever gift you possess that can allow the four things above to intersect is what you’re meant to do in your life.
When you discover your purpose, you live life with renewed energy, and people will notice, including women. And the beautiful thing about your purpose is that the right woman will respect you for having that kind of conviction.
High-value women are available around the world. You must understand that to attract something or someone of high value, you must also be of high value. This is a law woven into the fabric of reality. You must make the effort if you want what you say you want.
Be legendary.