Attracted To Distractions
I'm attracted to distractions...and I think many people who read this may agree.
It's not uncommon in today's world to be caught up in things that don't really matter and are quite simply just distractions. TV shows, movies, social media apps, games, seems we have taken strides towards more enjoyment and leisure, than building and creating. Personally, I battle with this every day. As an entrepreneur, the shiny things can sometimes catch your eye and will lead you down rabbit holes of seeking knowledge, insight, and mentorship. This is a great thing, but there comes a time when applying just one thing you learned will take you further than all the time spent in mental movement.
If you are like me, maybe you have too many opportunities flying at you all at once. In which you will have to deploy the NO word to keep yourself on track with your vision. Or maybe your vices are starting to eat up a bit too much of your bandwidth which you'll to be diligent in tracking the time you spend using the vices. I'm not here telling you to quit doings you enjoy to unplug, but what I am saying is that if you really want to get to a goal or access a level of success sacrifices must be made.
I think I said it best in a song I wrote called "Attracted To Distractions" which inspired this blog. (You can listen to Attracted To Distractions Here ) A specific line comes to mind that really sums up my personal dilemma with being "attracted to distractions" or that pull you may feel inside to avoid doing what must be done, which is fueled by what I think is the victim mentality. The line goes ->
What would happen if I live the dream, that I know god instilled within me? What's the impact in the words, when the mend and configure messages that bear the truth over all of my failures"
This specific piece of the song is in reference to wondering what would occur in my life if I were to abandon my distractions and live the dream that I feel was instilled within me. Specifically my passion for writing & sharing my perspectives on life.
I'd like you to ask yourself this, if you were to abandon the things that are distracting you from living your optimal life, what would it look like? I'd have to assume there would be a 100% chance your life would be better without the distractions. I don't know a single person personally, who in fact loves to be distracted and pulled in the opposite direction of where they actually want to go in life.
Optimizing your life to cut out distractions is a wise choice. Especially if your distractions end up causing you harm. It can be a futile thing to consider, as looking at yourself and the time you spend can bring up feelings of shame for the time wasted on silly things. Essentially you have to find a way through it there is no other real choice to make. You wind up listening to God or the Devil in my opinion. Do your best to follow the right voice & be highly cognizant of anything trying to pull you away or slip you up.