Attract And Retain Cybersecurity Talents
Any employer that has tried to recruit cybersecurity talent in the recent past knows how big a challenge it is. The competition is fierce. Nearly half of cybersecurity professionals are contacted weekly by recruiters, regardless of whether they are actively looking for a job. For some of them, contact from recruiters is a daily occurrence.
What cybersecurity candidates want
When advertising a cybersecurity position, the job description is critical. Candidates draw inferences about the employer’s cybersecurity awareness from the job description. More than half say lack clarity in a description implies the organization doesn’t understand security. Vague language and descriptions that don’t seem to accurately reflect the job are definite turnoffs.
Whenever demand is high for talent, the natural inclination is to lure candidates with high salaries. But while salary does matter to cybersecurity jobseekers, it typically isn’t the deciding factor. Cybersecurity professionals get their cues about whether an employer suits them from things like the job description and whether the role for which they’re being recruited is clearly defined.?
Writing job descriptions to match required skills increases an employer’s chances of finding the right candidate. Not all candidates can deliver every skill, so avoid using a “kitchen sink” approach in job descriptions. It’s a turn-off to seasoned jobseekers. The key takeaway for employers is to recognize that they must be realistic about what a single candidate can bring to the table and be smart about building a well-rounded cybersecurity team across skillsets and disciplines.??
Retention is just as Important as attraction
To maintain momentum on security initiatives, firms must pursue new talent strategies, not only to woo in-demand professionals to work on their initiatives, but also to keep them engaged and satisfied once onboard.
Our clients have employed numerous strategies to build and buy loyalty. Some successful strategies include:
Five strategies to apply
The market for cybersecurity talent will likely remain tight and candidate-driven. So, you have to make the role and company attractive. The best strategy is to hire those who are genuinely passionate about cybersecurity and willing to evolve. If you do this and welcome them into a healthy culture, you can be confident that these new employees will deliver value and be valued for their efforts.