To Attract Clients...BE DIFFERENT!
Sandy Schussel
I help financial and insurance professionals accelerate their growth, find more free time, and improve their systems. More income-more time for fun.
One of my coaching colleagues, Ann DuPlessis, was introduced last week by her 15-year-old son to a popular and controversial band called Ice Nine Kills. When she visited their web site, what struck her more than their weird appearance and music, is that this is a band that understands one of the things we both talk about with clients all the time—branding.
Here’s what Ann wrote about the band:
“Everything about them screams horror. Their website looks like a movie trailer for a slasher flick. On stage, they’re in blood-spattered suits and eerie clown masks. Even their music isn’t just music- it’s an experience. You don’t just hear guitars and drums; you hear whispers, screams, clown horns, creaky doors, all these little details that pull you into their world.
And whether you love them or hate them, you remember them.
They don’t just play music. They create a world where every touchpoint - merch, lyrics, social media – makes you feel like you’re stepping into an Ice Nine movie.”
Most financial and insurance professionals try to look and sound like every other advisor out there. They use the same tag lines, descriptions of their work, and phrases, and follow the same formulas. They write or select posts created by their company or on a web platform--posts that could’ve been written by anyone in the industry—or even AI.
And then they wonder why they’re not getting the clients they want.
Ann continues:
“Ice Nine Kills doesn’t blend in. They own their weirdness.
What if instead of trying to be “relatable” in a way that makes you forgettable, you leaned hard into the things that make you you?
?? The quirks in your personality.
?? The weird phrases you always use.
?? The way you actually talk to clients (not some polished, watered-down version of yourself).
?? The things you're obsessed with that could make your brand more alive.”
People look for and remember what feels different.
As I point out in my book BECOME A CLIENT MAGNET, the white crayon in a box of white crayons is forgettable.
How are YOU different? What have you been hiding that might make you more memorable?
If you’re not sure how to brand yourself so that you attract more business, check out my Marketing Tune-Up coaching programs. I’ll give you everything you need to create a business that attracts the attention of the clients you want most.
Be different, be yourself, and always keep Reaching…