Attitudes and Anchors in Law Enforcement
Darryl L. Rivers
Human Behavior, Communications, and Leadership Instructor and Coach @ The Betterment Group | Certified Behavioral Analyst
Attitudes and beliefs are truly contagious. Both positive and negative. This truth is amplified when working in a close nit group or community such as law enforcement or any other type of first responder. There is an entry phase that the new officer goes through that has the ability to navigate a young officer's professional perception of their new set of glasses from which they will view the planet.
We all know, no one decides to call 911 because they are experiencing the best day of their life. Therefore, the modern-day officer gets to encounter society at their emotional climax of fear, anger, frustration, despair, loss, confusion, helplessness, and many other emotional responses that can be triggered from emergencies, physical, or mental trauma. As a retired law enforcement professional, I recognized there was a high level of empathy during my initial year or so as a police officer. Then it happens, our brains begin to set up coping mechanisms. ?The more tragic situations I was exposed to, the more desensitized I became to the unfortunate plight of the community I served. Of course, there are the certain situations you will always have compassion for such as crimes against women and children for most male officers, and crimes of a sexual nature for female officers. As a young officer, I had no idea what an anchor was or could do for my personal and professional stability. What seemed to be the most important moments in the lives of those I encountered were routine moments for me, due to the constant exposure of these extremes. When a thing becomes a constant, it becomes a normality. Normal is not special, yet I was expected to treat every case as special. This is the beginning stage of cynicism. Then it happened! My partner and friend was killed in the line of duty. My perspective changed immediately. Sometimes officers have a sense of invincibility when you are the answer to the calamity of the world. That sense of invincibility eroded quickly. My friend and fellow officer became my anchor. A reminder that real people hurt and hurt does not discriminate. I felt very human, vulnerable, and once again empathetic toward everyone I encountered. This tragic loss was the anchoring factor that was responsible for the resurgence of my positive attitude.
So let’s talk about the effects of attitude in the law enforcement profession. I am convinced no one can make anyone anything. We can influence certain things, yet if you squeeze a sponge whatever is in it comes out. You did not make it full of water, you just exposed the reality that it was full of water by applying pressure. When I realized no one can make me mad, and the only reason I became mad was because mad was already in me. No one made me become what I already was. We all collect experiences and tell ourselves how to categorize them. We can soak up lots of things in our daily task. Most of what we soak up is from other officers and their attitudes, perceptions, and altered world view. This is why an anchor that keeps you grounded to your positive attitude is so important. Being the positive that constantly encounters negatives is something special. This makes it a lot easier to treat each case special.
To make positivity louder we have to make positivity more contagious. Being an anchor of positivity in law enforcement can be a very challenging task. I have experienced the rewards of this challenge. The most important reward was the one of personal peace in the mist of chaos. A healthy mind and a healthy attitude go hand and hand. It’s a daunting task to obtain professional peace while being void of personal peace. Professional peace translates to maximum effort when all appears to be lost. Professional peace eliminates burn-out syndrome. Professional peace magnifies professional pride and tenacity. Professional peace is contagious! Your attitude is the springboard to personal and professional excellence. If you don’t feel good about it… you won’t be excellent at it. In a world where we encounter so many opinions and attitudes via personal contacts and social media, being a refreshing answer to a nagging problem at times depends on your attitude. What is your anchor for the attitude you present?