Have you ever think about why is the lion consider to be a king of the jungle?
After a long thought, I conclude only one reason that is his(Lion) ATTITUDE. Yes, his Attitude.
The lion is not a big animal like a giraffe or not a strong then an Elephant moreover there are a lot of animals cleverer, bigger and stronger than a lion but still, they are frightened of him.
Why ... when the lion sees any animal he thinks about food that is his survival of life. So, without any thinking of how hard or difficult challenges or any consequences would have to face; he dares, he attacks in direction of his purpose to win. His such attitude makes him the king of the jungle.
Winning Formula:
it is said that our attitude determines our altitude. if we want to be successful or excel towards our excellence in our personal or professional life; So our body language, daily work routine, our wordings in conversation, and gestures should reflect our winning ATTITUDE.
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