Attitude and its impact
Abdulaziz: Your attitude determines your altitude

Attitude and its impact

Attitude is a power which can be positive or negative, some people take this power in a way where they don't think about consequences and impact on their personal life, workplace or community.

Negative or positive attitudes can also arise for external reasons. For example, personal or family problems, but the question is how we can handle the emotions in our daily life ? People with bad attitude are never appreciated, in fact if you are working in an organization with attitude issues you will never recognize by the management which will be resulting in low performance at workplace.

A recent survey of managers and employees across the globe provides an interesting insight into the changing work environment. Employees were asked to rank 10 factors that affect job satisfaction, in order of importance to them. Managers were asked to rank the same factors. The managers responded as you might expect; they rated good wages as the most important criterion, followed by job security. But the employees' responses were surprising. The most important factor was “work that keeps you interested.” The second most important factor was “appreciation of work done.” Good wages was rated eighth out of 10 factors.

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Some people are naturally complaining, but you can’t allow their attitude to bring others down. You can counteract negativity by: Praising employees for their successes or Focusing on solutions instead of problems, by getting employees to think of solutions to their complaints

Here are some typical causes of attitude issues at a workplace:

  • Bad management
  • Lack of fellowship
  • Unclear organization policies
  • Criticizing meetings with no result
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Company HR has a major role in an organization to understand the rights between company and employee, making transparent & clear policies, giving rights to the employee, providing development plan to cover the gaps, solving employee issues, make sure employees have the right to speak etc. Team leader/Manager can also support the team member by listening the issues/challenges and provide them with the solutions after all if the employee is progressing it is obvious that organization is progressing as well.

Employee attitude in the workplace, whether positive or not, helps determine their chances for career success. Rather than wait for negativity to arise, you can use methods to positively shape employee attitudes in your workplace.


