Attitude of Gratitude!!
So, what is Gratitude?
Gratitude according to me is giving back in terms of thanks, appreciation for all that i have had, having and will have in my life. Acknowledging the blessing in my life to ensure a higher quality of life. Just imagine feeling proud, thankful, and joyful on an ongoing basis!!
Gratitude is the most powerful emotion that can be used to bring all-good into our life in absolute abundance. No matter who it is, no matter what the situation is, no matter where they are gratitude can dissolve all negativity in everyone's life
Our thoughts, our feelings, our words, our beliefs all determine the vibrations and frequency of our energy. As we focus on gratitude and think, speak and feel gratitude we are transforming our energy frequency into one of the most powerful and highest frequencies of all
On the contrary it is impossible to bring more good into our life if we are feeling ungrateful for what we have. We might be good at everything but there might be jealousy or resentment or dissatisfaction or anger or blame or criticize or feeling of not enough, then one of these or many negative emotions are blocking our own good coming to us.
Ex - Assume we have a car and we are unhappy with it for whatever reason, and we keep blaming it or talking negative about it, in this scenario we cannot attract anything better, but if we are grateful to the car we currently have then we are powerfully summoning an even better car to ourselves. The same can be applicable to every aspect of life
An attitude of gratitude means making it a habit to express thankfulness and appreciation in all parts of our life, on a regular basis, for both the big and small things alike. "If we concentrate on what we have, we'll always have more. If we concentrate on what we don't have, we'll never have enough."
At trying times, I could simply say "Everything that is happening is happening for my ultimate good and great things in my life is just around the corner". So, when you are faced with any situation that could be negative; snap immediately, change your thought. There is never a moment when there is not something to be grateful for. Think about what it means to be grateful. It is just another way of saying to the universe "This makes me happy. Thank you!"
Few ways to cultivate the power of gratitude
- Wake up every day and express to yourself what you are grateful for (just say thank you aloud almost 20 times)
- Tell whoever you are with at the end of the day the 3 things you are most grateful for
- Tell whoever you are with right now (significant other, friend, family member, etc.) the 3 things that you are most grateful for in this moment
- Start a gratitude journal - Express gratitude in this journal every night by noting the things that you are grateful for, proud of, and excited about
- Acknowledge yourself for what you have done and accomplished in the last day/week/month/year. Instead of comparing yourself to others, give yourself credit for the big and small things you have been doing!
- Acknowledge other people and thank them for inspiring/helping/supporting you - often people wait their whole lives to be acknowledged (and yet it happens far too infrequently)
If the gratitude process is hard to get started, begin by asking yourself, "What could I be grateful for?", and see if the ideas start to flow.
Every day won't be perfect but focusing on what we are grateful for tends to wash away feelings of anger and negativity.
The more you be and use gratitude every day the greater the good you will bring into your life. So, make gratitude a daily practice. Make it a habit. And remember that it is an instant antidote to feeling down or unhappy. It's a simple and always available way to shift from darkness back into the Light!
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5 年This really made my day better..I was really lost in becoming a better person.. but Neva appreciated myself for where I stand today..and this lil note spoke it all..