Attitude of Gratitude, Got It?
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” ~Brian Tracy
November seems to be the focus of having an attitude of gratitude as we head towards the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States.
Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Are you grateful for the little things in life like having warm socks and getting green lights as you drive down Main Street? How about for those things that seem overwhelming and not so pleasant?
It’s easy to have an attitude of gratitude when something amazing happens; you receive a gift, are rewarded for something or win something. We often take the little things for granted and it’s a little harder to be grateful for the things that we see has negative in our lives.
Take a minute and think back to the hardships you’ve had, that you’ve overcome. There was a lesson in each and every situation. It may have been a horrible or hurtful experience at the time, but chances are you’ve learned a lesson that has brought about positive change. For instance:
- Health problems many times bring a positive change in the way you treat your body or care for yourself.
- Job loss often results in something that’s a better fit, more lucrative or allows you to grow.
- Relationship issues can strengthen a relationship or put you on a journey to find a relationship that is healthier for you.
- Consequences for bad choices help you make better choices.
There are many more examples, but you get the message, there is always a lesson in the situation you’re facing.
Having an attitude of gratitude and focusing on the positive brings more of exactly that into your life. Next time you’re heading out for a drive, vision a clear path before leaving. As you drive, say thank you as you approach each green light, you’ll notice that you’ll probably encounter more green lights than red on your travels.
If you have things in your life that you take for granted, take a moment and be grateful for them, especially the people you may forget to thank and appreciate. Life is too short and cannot be taken for granted, so make sure you have an attitude of gratitude towards those that you love.
Gratitude is imperative to love, bliss and abundance! Appreciate what you have, the gifts you are given every day and the fact that you have another day!