Attitude Is Everything

Attitude Is Everything

I have recently read a book named “Attitude is everything” written by Jeff Keller. I found the book is very useful to one who want to develop a positive attitude. This book describe your attitude towards your life and how it is important to stay positive in life and keep your mental clean. Few of the key pointers which I have taken out from the book is :

  1. Positive attitude : As the title itself says “ Attitude is everything” and your attitude is your window to the world. A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow and it is also the starting point for the achievement of any goal
  2. Keep your mental clean: You can’t always control circumstances but you can control your own thoughts. Hence nurture your minds with great thoughts. Earl Nightingale, the great success writer, broadcaster and speaker identified the key to success in just six words. Well before I tell you the key to success, you might be surprised to learn that the same six words are also the key to failure. “WE BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT”
  3. Dominant thoughts rule the day:?You can’t expect positive results when you spend 10 seconds a day thinking positively and remaining 16 waking hours dwelling on negatives outcomes.?

Here the bottom line is “ A little positive thinking doesn’t produce positive results”. Just like a little bit of a diet doesn’t work. The same is true for exercise. you can’t do a few minute’s of exercise once a week and expect to be physically fit.

A little bit doesn’t get the job done. Instead, you must take control of your mental activity and think positively throughout each and every day until it becomes a habit.

4. Repetition is the key : Once you developed a positive behaviour, repeat it again and again until it becomes a habits

5. Picture your way to success: You must first clearly see a things in your mind before you can do it. Every successful person incorporate the power of imagery to reinforce in their mind exactly how they wanted to perform. Imagination is more important than knowledge?

6. Make a commitment: Commitment is the essence of the ultimate secret. When you make a commitment and are willing to do whatever it takes, you begin to attract the people and circumstances necessary to accomplish your goal.Remember success requires effort, commitment and patience. ?

“ One person with a commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest”.

7. Turn your problems into opportunities: Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

When we faced with problems or setbacks in our life, Most of us become irritated and start complaining?

Well the behaving is quiet natural. However, after the initial disappointment wears off, we have a choice to make. We can either wallow in misery and dwell on the negative aspects of our situation or we can find the benefit or lesson that the problem is offering.

How adversity serves us :

  1. Adversity gives us perspective
  2. Adversity teaches us to be grateful?
  3. Adversity brings out our hidden potential?
  4. Adversity encourages us to make changes and take action
  5. Adversity teaches us the valuable lessons?
  6. Adversity opens a new door

7. Watch your words: Your words have incredible power. They can build a bright future, destroy opportunity or help maintain the status quo. Your words reinforce your beliefs and your beliefs create your reality.

Think of this process as a row of dominos that looks like this :


8. Associate with positive people: A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses. You need to choose your friends wisely no matter whether it is in your life or in the corporate world because we become part of what we are around.

Hence it is crucial that you evaluate your friendships from time to time even those you have maintained for many years. This isn’t a minor issue. Those who occupy your time have a significant impact on your most priceless possessions- your mind

9. Confront your fears and Grow : If you want to be successful, you must be willing to be uncomfortable.To achieve your goals and realise your potential ,you must be willing to be uncomfortable-to do things that you’re afraid to do. Thats how you develop your potential.

The more I read and the more deeper I went, I realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts, it is more important than than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success,than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break anything that you loved or desire for.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have, and this our attitude.

What a wonderful thoughts the writer have. The above pointers are only a gist. There are so many example and story that writer have mentioned in the book.

?Read it, re-read it until you develop a positive attitude as you know the title itself says “ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING”


