The Attitude ethos
Godwin Ekoriko
CIM ACIM, Communications Specialist at NIHR with expertise in Marketing
Often in life, people wonder why they find themselves in the same situation consistently. They wonder why they haven't "moved up" in life. We are constantly bombarded with motivational messages and images with slogans such as "the thing between you and your goal is the excuse you keep on telling yourself" as one of my favorite.
Whilst i agree that there are some circumstances you cannot change, the ones you can are often the ones holding us back than not when realising our full potential. Life and business is about change. Adapting to change is what makes us humans. In the rule of nature, it is a survival of the fittest and that is why we are constantly faced with challenges which defines us, which pushes us far beyond our limits.
Now back to the attitude ethos, I often ask some of the lads I play football with why they left their houses to come and lay football when all they wish to do is lounge about on the pitch. Being someone who pushes myself constantly, i question why people would even bother to leave their house for a purpose they do not believe in. In life most of the time, we find ourselves doing the same thing. Going to work for example and running down the time from 9am to 5pm.
Now when promotion time comes, such said person will find themselves often being overlooked, often being missed. It is not because they cannot do the job or they are not entitled to the promotion, it is simply because their attitude stinks. In my experience, I found myself preferring the person willing to work hard, hungry for success, willing to learn than the person who knows it all. Reason being when push comes to shove, the person with that willingness is the one you can rely on knowing that they will push through regardless of the circumstances or how monumental the task they face is.