Attitude of employee and safety management
Natverlal T Jadav
Senior EHS Project Management Consultant, Professional Master Trainer, Scaffolding & Safety Management Solutions provider, Career development Facilitator, Guide & Mentor, Motivational Speaker
???????????????Attitude of employee and safety management at workplace
An attitude is a kind of mental status of mind, posture or bent. Attitude represents a predisposition toward opinions. Whatever human is thinking and believing is opinion and the attitude influences his opinion. The information and knowledge of attitudes of workers helps the management to know their opinions.
?An attitude may affect opinion of the objective fact. Due to change in attitude, it may change opinions. Attitude decides opinions and prejudices. Discussion and radicalism are two kinds of attitudes. Due to difference in attitudes, attitudes have divergent opinions regarding the same facts. There may be disagreements about facts.
?Attitudes reconcile contradictions. Intelligent people can reconcile others’ contradiction keeping attitude in background. An experienced Safety Officer or supervisor will reconcile difference in opinions of workers and management about the efficacy of a particular safety device or a protective equipment, provided he has knowledge of their attitudes. The real cause of accident can be found out by knowledge of attitudes.
?An attitude at workplace ‘we are right and others wrong’ has caused many accidents and pose hindrances in solving problems. Attitudes are associated with likes and dislikes and have an emotional content. Human being moods are having certain emotional reactions. Human moods influence his attitudes. Human mood and attitude are difficult to differentiate as human mood depends upon one’s physiological condition such as poor health, loss of sleep, hunger etc.
?Many a times, a man defends his opinion and does not want to change it even though his all points are answered. Normally workmen prefer their wishes and desires to be satisfied and they are not ready to be convinced. Differences in Human personality determine the type of attitude. There are differences like social dependability, decisiveness, emotionality, sex, intelligence, and experience etc. which influence attitudes on specific topics.
There are various methods for measuring attitudes, and experimental findings. It is not possible to make radical changes by Industry, which may backfire. There are industrial practices to know employee attitudes, grievances, suggestions, personnel counsellors etc.
?Aptitudes mean abilities to develop proficiency on specific jobs as per capabilities as aptitudes are human characteristics.
?These aptitudes can be grouped as follows:
1.??Mental abilities.
2.??Mechanical and related abilities.
3.??Psychomotor abilities.
4.??Visual skills and
5.??Other specialised aptitudes.
Various aptitudes tests are being conducted for personnel selection and placement. Mental ability means intelligence. Mental abilities tests are summarised as word fluency, memory, inductive reasoning, number facility, spatial visualisation, verbal comprehension, and speed of perception.
Mechanical ability includes mechanical comprehension and the understanding of mechanical principles, and these are physical skills such as muscular co-ordination and dexterity. Mechanical ability tests are used to select employees for jobs such as in the maintenance or setting up production machinery or in the repair of household appliances. Industrial job requires high degree of skill and some degree of vision.
?Any interference while achieving goal causes frustration. Frustration leads to defeat or disappointment towards success. Frustrated behaviour may be due to suggestion, regression, this depends upon individual tolerance, work pressure and situation etc.
?Frustration increases accident rates as it brings morale degradation. There are some frustrated persons who are adoptive in nature and some frustrated persons may have withdrawal in nature. Many a times frustration may result in aggression.
?Following instances are creating frustration in industry.
·?Working conditions are not as per standard
·Tools, equipment, and PPE are not adequately provided
·Necessary guards and safety devices on machines are not as per safety need.
·Timely and due promotion, increment, recognition, and status as per requirement are not considered.
?All dissatisfying factors are to be detected in time and appropriate remedial measures to be adopted including management functions. In absence of job rotation and variety of work motivation reduces and it may result in frustration and hence change or variety in job and stimulation may reduce frustration.