Attitude, Attitude, Attitude
Dr Sue Hewitt
Supporting Women in their Personal Development | Leadership Development for Scientists | Training Trainers | Mountaineer
Let me tell you a story…
Frankie is a bright spark. She used to work with the police on fraud cases. She left. She’s now working through an agency. She had a job where she was so good that she’d done all of her allocated work, had tried to get more, was waiting on other people processing stuff, played a computer game whilst waiting and got sacked for it. Her manager fought for her as she was so much better than anyone else. No use; she still got sacked.
Then the agency offered her something else in a call centre at £6 per hour. She thought she’d just go along, after all, it was work. The agency suggested that, even though it was a lowly post, she should turn up suited and booted.
Frankie went to the interview. The company was building a new call centre. They took her on as a team leader, paying her much more than £6, with the promise of quickly moving her into a management role.
Frankie’s success is all down to her attitude. If we don’t give it a go, just find out what it’s all about, give things a chance, take a risk and take the time to find out, then we may never find those opportunities that are all out there waiting for us. Frankie also showed, by her attitude, that she could do a management job, turning up professionally dressed and projecting that professional image. The attitude of being open to seeing what’s out there will always pay rewards. Having a positive attitude transmits to those around you.
What will you find out about today? What will you give a second thought to that you might have dismissed? How will your attitude help you today?
If you’d like to chat to someone about developing your most positive attitude, do call me on +44 07977 072 760 or email me and we can arrange some 121 coaching for you.