Attitude is directly tied to success in sales...

A gloomy overcast Tuesday awaited me today... then slow traffic on the way to work and a shower right when I pulled into the office.

But it is going to be a great day. So today let's talk about the fact that "ATTITUDE MATTERS".

Being tired impacts your attitude, as does stress, a fight with your kids and a bad drive to work. Everything around us can impact our attitude if we let it. But remember, we cannot control the world around us but we can control how we react to things.

Attitude is so important to all of us, especially those that work in sales and / or deal with the public. If we are stressed we stress out our clients. If we are angry or upset they feed off of that and it impacts them as well. If we are happy that rubs off. Yes, attitude does matter.

Have you ever met a pushy salesperson that turned you off? They might have just been pushy but their attitude could have been caused by stress over money. Ever met a hostile or aggressive salesperson? They might have had a fight with their spouse or boss earlier and it impacted their entire day.

We all have things going on that impact our attitude. How we react and allow it to impact us is the key to not letting it effect our business in a negative way. Here are 4 tips for dealing with your attitude issues...

  1. Whenever you answer the phone or call a client smile before you speak. You will find it hard to not come across as happy when you have a huge smile on your face.
  2. If you are stressed take a time out and take a walk, grab lunch with a friend, listen to music or whatever will relax you.
  3. You know your attitude is going to be bad all day no matter what. Take the day off from talking to clients and catch up on paperwork. Don't risk losing clients until you get back to a good place.
  4. Understand that you control your attitude and force yourself to ignore whatever is creating an attitude issue. You can force through it if you try hard enough.

Attitude impacts everything. A bad day at work can follow us home and we take it out on our loved ones by letting our stress or irritation show. Our home life can follow us to work and both can have a huge and detrimental impact on our health.

Focus on keeping a positive attitude and all aspects of your life will be better.


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