Attention Salespeople: How Amplifying Expectations Can Give You the Ability to Capitalize & Dominate

Attention Salespeople: How Amplifying Expectations Can Give You the Ability to Capitalize & Dominate

It's 2016 and you've felt technology enter your B2B sales process. Everyone has email, everyone has smartphones (I hope), and you're expected to respond at a moment's notice. 

If you're a frequent traveler, flights used to be the safe haven where no one could reach you. But now thanks to WiFi be available on most flights today, those couple hours of clarity have vanished.

If you want to sell stuff, you need to be plugged in 24/7. 

The Bad News:

This isn't changing anytime soon. Sure, companies promote work-life balance because it's sexy and attractive to the culture. But as a company hunter, you are where the rubber meets the road. No breaks for you... 

The Good News:

You can replace yourself. In fact, you must replace yourself. The talent, expertise, and value you deliver to your prospects and customers must be available for consumption 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. The modern and future consumer (B2B or B2C) does not wait. If they can't sit through a TV commercial without looking at their phone, they certainly won't wait until you decide to start working the next morning.

Take your talent and value... and deliver it on their terms.

How? You must develop content.

Think leverage, think exponential.

For every 1:1 interaction where a salesperson delivers value, the most successful will replicate that for 1000's of future opportunities. How?

The most successful salespeople in the future will be 1-person media outlets... simply by using their smartphone to capture and deploy the experiences they encounter multiple times daily.

The Path To Domination:

What if you had your very own content library of YouTube videos, blog posts, pictures, etc. that answered 90% of the most frequently asked questions in your business. After a few months of training your prospects and customers how to reference your library of intelligence with their phone, do you think your time would free up a bit?  

The answer is YES.

One Step Further

People you haven't met yet are looking for answers/help regarding the same topics. For every person asking you a question in person or through email, at least 10 more are asking it online. Since 70%+ of Google searches are questions, they might find you answering their very question. Next, they look at all your content and realize... "this person knows their s&^%!" and they'll come to you in time of need.

How To Start

  1. Capture (write down, type, or record, whatever... just capture) every single question you get asked for one week...
  2. Answer each question by using text, images, or even better, video.
  3. Deliver... we will chat about this in my next post!


Go dominate. Or don't... your choice.




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