Peter, I understand why you don't want to know about the corruption of your predecessors, however until this scandal is faced up to - your Union will only be a facade of the peoples' trade union that James Connolly and Jim Larkin intended it to be. I tried to send this information to your linkedin account but you have blocked me. I tried here and for some unknown reason I cannot upload the file DOC004 which contains the absolute proof of all I maintain. If you or any member of Siptu wish to see this proof, link with me on linkedin as it the file can be attached there.

Some background, my first play 'JUSTICE' toured NI and was in the Belfast and Dublin Theatre Festivals plus a week at the Tron in Glasgow. This was in 1992. However, when I wrote 'The Judas Goat', about the Belfast Docks Union Corruption, the diabolical censorship from the Unions, the employers and all and sundry in the Irish establishment set in.

This play along with my Belfast Memoir categorizes the mindset, thinking and censorship of the august establishment bodies in Ireland. They all deny this happened and censor the Truth. My play, 'The Judas Goat 'shows how the Belfast Dockers were ordered by their Union to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the Employers money. THIS TRUE STORY HAPPENED AT BELFAST DOCKS 50 YEARS AGO. Peter, I can also attach this play from my account.

I also sent this message to the Belfast and Dublin Law Societies, who will do nothing to expose this scandal - and the so-called free press do this as well. This is par for the course They and the Arts are hand in glove in covering up this Corruption to safe-guard their own careers. Why can I not get a lawyer in Ireland to take this case? The answer is simple - there are too many Rich Employers, Trade Union Officials and Lawyers who will be exposed if this case ever gets near a Courtroom. However, shortly after I was sacked in1972 after several solicitors refused the case - the Northern Ireland Law society gave me the names of three solicitors. I chose the first on the list, a Mr McCann. He appointed a junior solicitor, Norman Shannon, to deal with my case which progressed well.

Norman Shannon then left Mr McCann and set up on his own solicitors practice, taking my case with him - and it stopped dead. He sat on it for seven years until it became Statute Barred - and lied to me that the other side wouldn't enter a defense. I now know that this is nonsense and if it happens then the case is won - and compensation is paid to the wronged person. Not that I want compensated - I just want the truth told.

When Shannon gave me the news by phone, very angry I went to his office and wanted to know how this happened - when he was my solicitor. He continued to say the other side wouldn't enter a defense and there was nothing he could do. To calm me down he offered to get me a Barristers Opinion to see if anything could be done. He not only fooled me again, he also fooled the barrister. He only informed the barrister about the previous solicitors who did nothing with my case, and nothing about his own involvement. See the proof about this in the barristers opinion - which the Belfast and Dublin Law Societies are covering up.

The Official cover up of this Legal Corruption beggars' belief. Neither O'Connor nor Norman Shannon will sue me for calling them Corrupt and putting their corruption on the web. To show that I'm not blowing smoke - besides the link to my book I'm attaching the stage-play of ' The Judas Goat to give an overview of the Dictatorship imposed upon the Belfast Dockers by the Union and the Employers' who obviously bought off Norman Shannon.

Besides the betrayal of Larkin and Connolly - the deaths of Belfast residents who don't even know they've contracted Asbestosis - are the reason for the cover up. While this originated at Belfast Docks the Union's head office was and is in Dublin. Everyone in the Arts, Media and the Law censor any reference to it. For the sake of self - preservation no-one, Journalist or otherwise will report this scandal - and my stage-play is Censored. See the link below to my recently published' Memoir.

This along with the Judas Goat tells it all. While the people I've mentioned on Linkedin, including Lawyers, will claim 'it's no use in suing me as I've no money, however - Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin have plenty. I have many articles on linkedin and to a lesser degree on the other two. My linkedin address is - Hugh Murphy Heart & Soul Theatre Company. In this supposed Republic the Free Press and investigative Journalists are muzzled - as concrete proof is there for all to see. My Memoir and play is an obvious ON THE WATERFRONT. The documentary proof of the Union and Employers Court which termed itself 'The Joint Disciplinary Committee' - is in my play - my Memoir, and the file which I cannot attach. Peter, If you need further proof, open UTV's Insight program 'Death Trap On the Docks' you'll see dying Dockers and widows relate their unbelievable stories.

This was the first time in Trade Union history, anywhere in the world, that a trade union persecuted, sacked and ordered to their death its own members, their families and the surrounding Belfast residents. This happened because the union ordered the Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the employers money - and the deadly dust was blown all over Belfast. Here is the banner heading of the Union and Employers Court.


As you well know Peter, the Union morphed into SIPTU. Exposing the Union leaders at Belfast Docks will not denigrate the name of ITGWU and the founders but will expose the union leaders in Belfast who sold out the Dockers. This an open secret in Ireland because I have exposed it on linkedin many times - and no Theatre Company will stage my play. It was also the first time anywhere in the world that an employer was a previous Trade Union Chairman - and a current union member. After forming the diabolical 'Union and Employers Court' the chairman, Jim Austin, left the union and joined the employers as Labour Controller and brought his corruption to an even more disgusting level.

Unbelievably, however, the now ex union chairman was allowed to remain a Union Member - by both head office in Dublin and The Irish Congress of Trade Unions. So much so that fifteen years ago he received his 50 year - long service badge from Jack O'Connor - the then Union president. The censoring of 'The Judas Goat' led to all my plays being censored - so as not to give me any clout and be able to demand that it' be staged - and for the "Free Press" who [self-censor] to report on this unbelievable scandal. RTE - so far have been too afraid to expose this corruption the so-called 'Free Press' follow suit.

This betrayal of workers happened when the champion of the underdogs, i.e. the trade union that fought to free Ireland as 'The Citizens Army' in 1916 - became corrupted at Belfast Docks. The fact that the Union joined forces with the employers to persecute its own members. This is beyond doubt. See the details of my trial by the Union and Employers Court. It was the Judas Goat of a Union chairman, who ordered the Dockers to discharge Asbestos without protection to save the employers money. The Union and Employers Court proves that he had changed sides - and the reason why all and sundry in the Irish Employers and every Trade Union in Ireland covers up. Is it any wonder Union Officials are using their friends in Government and the Arts to censor my play.

See also - in the books, the play and the web a letter to Jack O'Connor from his own Belfast solicitor, one John O'Neill of Thompson McClures, Belfast, stating that O'Connor's Union 'did' sack its own members at Belfast Docks. He also tries to exonerate the Union, by totally ignoring the fact - that a Trade Union cannot Lawfully sack and persecute its own members. The letters from ICTU and the Union in the 1970's - prove they knew what was going on - but chose to ignore it. Why, who bought them off and how much were they paid? Was it the same people who bought off Norman Shannon.

Besides my play which the cowards in Irish Theatre are afraid to stage, I have a very long screenplay that would make three movies.



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